Owen Hunt x Reader

Start from the beginning

"Really?" She asks and I nod with a grin.

"Of course, this little one deserves the best care they can get and who better to ask than my best friend and the woman I trust more than anything?" I tell her and she grins at me as she resumes dragging me towards a free, secluded hospital bed while also paging Meredith just as she comes round the corner. Grabbing her hand I pull her along with us.

"What's going on? Is everything alright? I've just seen Teddy in tears with Owen trying to comfort her." She rambles out and I can't help but feel satisfied hearing that.

"Everything's fine Mer, we're going to go check on the baby." I tell her and she smiles at me as she continues to follow us.

"Any idea what happened to Teddy?" She asks and I sigh.

"I might have lost it on her when I went outside Mer. She sat down beside me and acted like nothing happened and I snapped. I shouldn't have, I know that but at that moment I was so angry and as horrible as it sounds I wanted her to hurt. For one minute understand how I was feeling, how much hurt and betrayal I feel." I tell her as I sit back on the bed and she laughs as she nods.

"It's not horrible at all! I'm pretty sure that's how Addie wanted me to feel when we first met!" She says with a laugh before kissing her girlfriends cheek as she blushes. "Besides, after sleeping with your husband I think a little bit of crying is the least that she deserves. Especially seeing as she's pregnant with his baby."

"Tell her the other bit y/n." Addison says as she squirts the cold gel on my stomach and I glare at her making her laugh.

"Owen knows, he was behind me when I told Teddy in anger that it was because of her that I couldn't tell him. When I saw him I gave him my verbal resignation and told him I'd work my two weeks then I'm gone." I tell Meredith and she sighs just as the most magnificent sound fills the room. Turning my head towards the screen I see my baby on the monitor and close my eyes against the tears that threaten to fall. Feeling a hand run their fingers through my hair I turn to see who it is and tense up when I see Owen. "Get your hands off of me Owen Hunt." I growl at him and he sighs but takes his hand back.

"I think that you should leave Owen." Meredith says as she takes my hand and I give her a small smile as I shake my head.

"It's fine, he can be here. This is his baby as well." I tell her quietly and squeeze her hand. Watching as Addison checks that everythings okay I smile at the image on the screen before looking at Owen. "We need to talk Owen, this makes things a bit different and we'll need to figure out routines and custody arrangements." I tell him quietly, scared that if I talk any louder I'll just cry.

"We can do that." He says quietly as he watches the screen before turning his eyes to me. "I'm sorry, I know it doesn't take back what happened but I really am sorry."

"Right, everything looks normal here. I'll print out some copies of this while you get yourself cleaned up y/n." Addison says as she hands me tissues to wipe off my stomach but Owen's quick to take them and I bite my lip as he wipes my stomach before moving from the bed quickly.

"Owen-" I start to say and he drops his head with a sigh.

"I know, I should go." He says and starts to leave after binning the tissues. Biting my lip I hesitate trying to decide what to do before following him to his office and sliding inside, closing the door behind me.

"What do you want from me Owen? Because I don't know what I can give you right now. You chose Teddy, you chose your mistress over your wife and I suddenly understand how Addison felt all those years ago." I tell him as I pace the length of his office. "This baby doesn't change what you did, this little one doesn't change anything Owen. So you can't just act like it does, you don't get to stroke my hair out of my face or wipe the gel off my stomach. You don't get to do that when you know that I want nothing more for you to still be mine."

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