Unwanted guests [Edited]

Start from the beginning

My eyes bore into the now definitely identified male and his counterpart rather accusatively, his body posture changed slightly, his head rose like a snake and he puffed his chest the best he could considering.

Nathan the scatterbrained man himself whipped around and pointed at the male sounding annoyed as I backed away towards the stairs making room incase of attack, only a few steps though, i did not trust the men invading my house, my hand slowly trailing to my waist band the comfortable handle of my knife warm in my palm within moments.

Yes I did trust Nathan with my life actually but he was reckless, i'm not even sure if these are his friends or just some children he picked up along the way, who knows who these kids are.

"Billy, be nice! Keep being an asshole and I will call Hann!, after all tonight was Michael's kill night!," He said, voice sounding muffled yet dangerous under his mask before he went and took up the person's other side.

The billy kid's modulator crackled before he replied "It would be on all of our heads if Hann found out, you know that Nathan" he hissed, making Nathan glare but not respond to him as he looked at me.

" Will, can you go get the med kit from under the couch?" Nathan asked as they passed me and went into the den, where they laid the man down on the couch closest to the kitchen.

Narrowing my eyes I went towards the couch and the coffee table, needling down I stuffed my arm under the couch and felt through the dust and lint to pull out another classic white and red crossed case.

Gathering up my photos I pulled out a black box filled with older hunt photos, putting them in with the others I stuffed the box back under the short coffee table to be sorted out later, they were just in the way at the moment taking up space Nathan would need for helping the kid.

Cracking the case open on the table I pushed it to Nathan's side and stepped away as I had no clue of his issues or what his injury was, I was not up to being stabbed today if he woke up.

This Billy character was pacing and glancing at the other, his body language evident of worry and stress as Nathan dug through the kit before returning to the man.

He had bandage scissors in hand as he cut away the thin black robe leaving the man in his jeans and a dark red shirt.

But to my shock as Nathan cut away his shirt peeled it away to be able to dress his wounds, the back of the shirt was a gray that contrasted with the gaudy red, now that was gross, but I must admit the view wasn't.

Grabbing my brandy off the small table I went back to the hall to watch and assess the situation from afar, just to be safe.

Taking a small sip from the bottle I watched assessing the kids before me, dismantling them both for any threat in future or now, the billy kid I could dispatch easily if he attacked, he was just a tad bigger than I was but did have some muscle, not like Nathan though so little threat with him.

The other man, if he was not hurt might be an issue, he was quite a bit bigger than I was, not sure on muscle mass as he was fit but he didn't have gym muscle.

The man Nathan had called Billy reached up and took off his scream mask to reveal a teen boy with his brown hair only to his ears and his green eyes trained on the man that Nathan was tending to with almost manic fear as he ran his hands through his hair.

I was useless in medically helping others so I retreated back to the foyer,slipping up the stairs and down the hall to my room with the bottle in hand.

Shutting the door behind me I then took a few steps and crashed into bed holding the bottle close only to stare at the wall blankly trying to process what I just witnessed.

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