Rhymes Of Love ( Fem Mighty.zip x Male Abused Reader)

Start from the beginning

F/N: so how was your morning so far.

You point to the side of your cheek showing the cut bruise, It was bleeding a bit but you didn't mind.

F/N: I'm sorry Y/N, but I have an Idea that can hopefully cheer you up.

You nodded.

F/N: You can come over to my house for the day!

You instantly began shaking your head as you knew it was a bad idea.

F/N: My parents don't mind you so they wouldn't care that you came over, you can come with me and my mom during pickup.

You decided fuck it.

Y/N: F-Fine 

you said attempting to have you voice raised. He smiled in succession that he got to convince you. F/N walked away to go to his classes while you were about to do the same. Suddenly the locker next to you slammed shut as a Bully (B/N) Appeared.

B/N: Well well well. Looks like the shut in mistake finally came back too school.

You just kept your head down and tried walking away.

B/N: No no no, were not done yet bud. Listen here I want you to do me a favor.

Y/N: w . . .why

B/N: There's this hot girl everyone's talking about, and she's going to be coming to school tomorrow, so don't bother showing up tomorrow, maybe go kill yourself hah!

he said laughing. He the walked away with his group still laughing about what he said.

Y/N: Seem's like a nice idea



as the bell rung everyone began running out their classrooms to the exit, some were yelling, some were talking. You however were slowly walking at the back waiting for everyone else to exit.

F/N: Yo Y/N

F/N Yelled catching your attention.

F/N: Remember were going to my house today.

You nodded acknowledging him. After you finished getting your things from your locker you closed it and began walking to the exit of the school. F/N was waiting by the door on his phone most likely for you. As he noticed you he waved and opened the door, with the cold air pouring into the warm school halls. You followed him outside as he waved towards a car that most likely was driven by his mother.

F/N: that's my mom, don't worry she won't mind you.

you both walked up to the car as the window rolled down.

F/M/N: Hey F/N, oh hi Y/N. F/N told me you would be hanging out at his house today.

You just waved. You then pointed to your throat signaling that you couldn't talk.

F/M/N: Oh you can't talk?

you nodded.

F/M/N: That's ok I'm sure you'll have a great time out our house

She said with a smile. You got into the car with F/N. F/N's Mom then drove off as you were a brighter that usual, finally you weren't going back to that hell.

[Time Skip]

After arriving at F/N's house, you followed him to his room, which was really organized and looked cool.

F/N: Alright what do you want to do?

He asked you. You didn't really know what to say, so your shrugged.

FruitCupWriter98's Oneshot Book x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now