CHAPTER 3-Battle of Litore! Mordred Vs Seryu! Welcome to the IRG!

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All Iron Clads began to open fire with the cannons on the ships. The ships aimed at the Imperial Warships that were then ripped to shreds by the canon fire from the Iron Clads. The Iron Clads then changed focus to the Ocean Wall that stopped tidal waves and other ounces of water from getting into the city, since the Blockade runners need to land troops, the wall has to go.

As the Iron Clads lit up the wall, inside the City. Seryu was urgently trying to evacuate people from the bombardment. Her Imperial Arms was trying to help her. Imperial Guardsmen were shocked that their Fleet was obliterated in minutes. Seryu was also shocked. An Imperial Guardsmen ran up to Seryu.

Guard: "We have to retreat!" he shouts over the loud sounds of the bombardment.

Seryu: "What about the city!?" she asks.

Guard: "you see that Fleet off the shore!?!? There's no way we can fight it without our warships! We need to fall back!!" he shouted.

Suddenly, the bombardments stopped confusing everyone.

Guard17: "What the... they stopped?" he asked, confused.

Guard4: "odd. Why would they stop the bombardment?" she asks.

The smoke and dust covered their line of sight on the shore. Seryu looked into the smoke and soon heard war cries as dozens of Intmeratus Soldiers came rushing out of the smoke. The guardsmen pulled out their weapons and charged the Intmeratus Soldiers. The Veterans and Troopers brought up their shields and blocked the gunfire from some of the guards.

One Veteran had a spear and threw it at a Guard, impaling them to a wall before unsheathing a sword and charging forward. Seryu nods at Koro who grew in size and bulked up. The troopers and Veterans halted their movements and formed a wall of shields. Seryu heard clanking of metal. The soldiers stepped aside and Artoria walked past them along with Mordred who had her helmet on.

Seryu: "I take it you two are the leaders of this invasion?" she asks.

Artoria: "of course. Queen Artoria Pendragon of the Intmeratus Imperium. This is my daughter, Mordred Pendragon, Princess of the Intmeratus Imperium." she introduces while unsheathing her sword.

Seryu: "why are you attacking us?" she asks.

Mordred: "Oh please princess, this damn Empire has been abusing its people treating them like trash. My dad was once a General for you slags. But he betrayed you and become the Emperor of Intmeratus and now wants to wage war against the Empire." she said while aiming her sword at Seryu.

Seryu: "Your conquers." she said.

Mordred: "You know it sweetie."

Artoria: "Show me what you've learned Mordred." she said while stepping back.

Mordred smiled under her helmet and took her stance with her sword.

Mordred: "with pleasure."

Seryu for some reason shivered. She shrugged it off and nodded at Koro who roared a little and charged Mordred. Mordred's sword glowed.

Mordred: "Take this Mutt!!" she shouts before slashing at the dog, slicing it in half with ease.

Koro was launched into a building shocking Seryu and other guards. Mordred slashed her sword to the side flinging off blood on the blade. Koro got up and regenerated.

Mordred: "..... ew."

Seryu: "Koro, beat her into the ground and make sure you squeeze the life out of her!!" she commands.

Koro roared and ran at Mordred.

Mordred: "oh how cute you're giving it orders-OH SHIT!!" she shouted before she was punched by Koro.

THE SECOND EMPIRE (MALE ANTI HERO READER X AKAME GA KILL)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora