Issei: Ok - taking a beer and drinking it - agh..this flavor - making a sour face.

Zeoticus: Hahaha, look at your face - laughing hard at the face Issei made.

Issei: Don't make fun of me - frowning, while he took another drink - ah, now that's better.

Zeoticus: Yes, well it's delicious - taking a beer from the table and drinking it as well, but then he stopped - ...Ise.

Issei: Zeoticus-san, don't ruin the moment - taking another swig of his beer - you and I are here, calmly drinking, there's nothing else - his tone and body posture were calm.

Zeoticus: B..bu..but - clenching his teeth and a tear came out of his eyes - I can't, I... I can't be in front of you calmly, it makes me angry with myself, it hurts me, it makes me angry - frustrated by what has transpired.

Issei: Look... you... - collecting himself to say the right words to calm the man down - you shouldn't be worrying... I'm calm, I don't hate you or anything - drinking another beer - but if you want to get it out, I won't stop you - smiling at the man, letting him know that it's going to be okay.

Zeoticus, who had so many regrets, felt as if all the stress he had was gone because of those words and he could only smile.

Zeoticus: Hahaha...- laughing bittersweetly and then drinking a whole beer in one gulp -.... thanks - looking at Issei.

Issei: You don't have to thank me - drinking his beer like Zeoticus just did.

Zeoticus: Well, this is very depressing - getting up from the chair - I'll put on some music for the environment - taking out a control where he started typing.

Issei: Ha, well, I guess you're right - drinking another beer.

Zeoticus: I think this will do - after typing what he wanted.

Issei: Oh, I know this one - putting the beer aside.

Zeoticus: Well, it's one of the ones that I like the most - starting to hum to the rhythm of the song.

Issei [Verse 1]: I've been locked in the locker. I was picked last in soccer. And they say that it's all fun. But their fun, it ain't fun, man I'm done. And I know we're all different. Our beliefs and religions. But I don't see the difference in me, you, your, tu or moi, vous.

Issei and Zeoticus [Pre-Chorus]: So if you've had enough, then

Zeoticus [Chorus]: Come to the land of the lost and lonely. Don't be afraid, we'll be one big family. Of freaks, like you and me. I know a place where the bruised and broken. Live like the kings and the queens of tragedy. Just freaks, like you and me. We are the freaks.

Zeoticus [Verse 2]: I've been kicked down in the dirt. I pretend that it don't hurt. And I know that they're just words. But sticks, stones, they break bones but just know. We could all be disciples. And we'll write our own Bible. We'll put freaks in the titles. It's me, you, your, tu and moi, vous.

Issei and Zeoticus [Pre-Chorus]: So if you've had enough, then

Issei [Chorus]: Come to the land of the lost and lonely. Don't be afraid, we'll be one big family. Of freaks, like you and me. I know a place where the bruised and broken. Live like the kings and the queens of tragedy. Just freaks, like you and me. We are the freaks.

Issei [Bridge]: We are the freaks. We are the freaks

Zeoticus [Chorus]: Come to the land of the lost and lonely. Don't be afraid, we'll be one big family. Of freaks, like you and me. I know a place where the bruised and broken. Live like the kings and the queens of tragedy. Just freaks, like you and me. We are the freaks.

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