Seriously, what type of guy was he?

"Or should I say, afternoon." he grinned at me, "You slept for ages, I trust you slept well after our little rendezvous?"

I barely smiled at him, in fact, I didn't really acknowledge him at all.

"Iz, what's wrong?" he immediately asked me, his upper body on his frame towering over me, his firm yet steady hands now settling on my forearms; "Izzy?"

The initial shock had worn off a little now, but I was now feeling emotional and slightly on edge.

"It's Dan."

"Is everything alright?" Harry quickly responded, "Do you need to be somewhere or-"

I laughed, actually, I snorted and shook my head in response, sticking my tongue out in my cheek.

"Izzy... what's wrong?" he asked gently, "I can see you're upset, but I can't help you if you don't tell me."

"He's not coming home." I broke through, feeling the intensity of my rage kicking through my veins and bloodstream; "The selfish fucker has been away all weekend with his mates, having the time of his life and he's not coming home until tonight."

It was after this, that I took the chance I had to look at Harry, and even though I was absolutely seething, it was his calming nature and influence that melted me out of my rage.

"What time will he be home?" he asked almost timidly, and I flicked my eyes up to his, absorbing how exceptionally green they were today.

I swear, they were the greenest pair of eyes I had ever seen before in my life.

"He said 7pm..." I mumbled, "But that's not the point here, the point is-"

"Do you want to hang with me for the day?" he cut across, completely halting me to a standstill; "I mean, why sit around here all day waiting when you could be out having fun?"

I stared at Harry for a second, analysing how serious he was being.

There was no joking, no humorous look spread across his face and his jawline was completely slacked tight.

His upper body strength was so hard as he held onto my arms, I wondered for a second if he was the type of guy that worked out regularly because the way he was holding me right now was unbelievable.

But to look at him, you would think that there was nothing there of him because he looked like a long, streaky, lanky piece of piss and not really that strong at all.

How to judge a book by it's cover, hm?

I mean, you'd take one look at Dan and you just knew he trained... He looked like fitness, but Harry was something else. His strength was literally covered and bubbling up beneath the surface of his skin... and it was a very attractive trait to have.

"You know something?" I said finally, "You're right. You're absolutely right."

Harry smiled slightly, the tension easing from me rapidly, our eyes locked on one another.

"What do you have in mind?" I asked him, as he simply shrugged his shoulders.

"This is your home," he said slowly with a smile, "You show me."


Hearing the click in the latch, I pushed the door forward and entered my flat, hearing the beep of a horn behind me.

I turned on the spot, smiling and waving at Harry and Liam, just as he gestured to call him whenever I needed too.

I smiled brightly one more time, before quickly closing the door and resting my head against the glass, feeling the emptiness invade inside of me.

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