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The morning light was shining through my curtains in the bedroom brightly, waking me up from my warm, sleepy slumber.

I had no idea what time it was, but I was guessing it was later than usual because I hadn't gotten to sleep until 4am this morning... yeah, it was that bloody late that I had eventually dropped off.

Stretching out and hearing my back crack nicely, I reached out to my beside table and searched for my phone, my fingers brushing against it slightly.

Grabbing it, I picked it up and rolled onto my back, flicking the screen to life when it read 12.40pm.


"Fuck's sake," I mumbled, groaning loudly and unappreciatively at my body's most recent failure.

Don't get me wrong, I loved a lie-in as much as the next person, but this was slightly ridiculous.

Forcing myself up, I pulled on my pyjama shorts from the drawer and pulled my hair up into a messy ponytail.

Normally, I wasn't bothered about the way I looked in the mornings (or afternoons, in this case) but seeing as Harry was here, I didn't want to look like shit in front of him- especially when he had the bloody DNA that made him look insanely good at 2am in the God damn morning.

Exiting my room and heading towards the bathroom, I had a quick wash and brushed my teeth, making sure I looked at least half human before leaving again.

I didn't apply make-up or anything like that, it was far too early for me to be fussing around with that sort of shit, but as long as my complexion and my hair looked good, I didn't care.

Walking back to my room, I grabbed my phone and halted on the spot when I saw a brand-new text message from Dan on my screen.

"Heyyyy sugartits, hope you're missing me as much as I'm missing you. Last night with the lads was fuckin' amazing. Hope you had a good night? Listen, I won't be home for a few hours, I'm stayin' up Cardiff for a while, but I'll be home about 7pm alright? I'll call you later. I love you. xxx."

I stared at my phone in disbelief.

7 fucking pm?!

So not only did he fuck off to Cardiff and leave me alone after my chemo session for a night out with the lads, but he's also now not coming home until 7pm?!

Was he seriously taking the piss?

Ignoring the text, I simply shut the thread off and locked my phone back up, throwing it onto my bed.

Fuck you.

Pulling the duvet over to make my bed, I purposely left my phone on it and slipped my feet into my comfy slippers, exiting my bedroom quickly.

I was seething, absolutely livid that my own boyfriend couldn't even be bothered to come home a little earlier so he could at least spend some time with me.

I mean, I knew I wasn't letting him come to my sessions and everything, and I didn't expect him to stay at home waiting for me... but I couldn't help but think that Harry was right yesterday.

What was wrong with him to just wait for me occasionally?

He had a right to go out, of course he did, but it was like he was avoiding me... who spends all weekend away from their girlfriend, honestly?


I stopped dead in my tracks, momentarily forgetting that Harry was still actually here.

While I was stewing, I noticed that the pathetic attempt of a bed I tried to make for him last night on the settee had already been made and everything (the spare quilt I had and the pillow) had been folded and placed nicely in the corner.

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