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Jiwoo was walking out her house the next morning and she sighs as she saw Jungwon walking out too and she sees her grandpa from the inside "Fighting!" he wished her

She scratches the back of her head and awkwardly went up and waited at Jungwon's gate

They made eye contact when he closed the gate behind him and he says "Hey..good morning"

"Good morning..."

She then walked besides him as none of them dared to say a word to each other

"Are you okay..? You didn't seem well yesterday"

'Yes because of you' She thought

"Ahh...yeah I'm fine. How's your morning so far?"

"It's going pretty good too. I at least get to speak to you now and I'm really loving it."

She looks at him and smiled

He smiles too "I have something to tell you later..."

She nodded at him silently but was smiling on her way to school

Sumin then whispered "You are smiling so widely..."

The students stare at her strangely and brought her away from the crowd

"Was I?...Hehe"

"What's wrong with you?"

"Jungwon enjoys talking to me"

"Who doesn't"

"So..did he ask you out yet?"

"No. But he wants to see me later"

"That's good news!"

Sunjae goes up to Minju who has been ignoring him and said "Minju-ah!"

Minju opens her locker and organizes her books "Oh. Hi Sunjae"

"So did you figure out a way for me to talk to Jiwoo...?"

"Why should I do that? You figure it out yourself."

"I've been hearing rumors that she is going out with someone already..."

"Oh really?"

"You mean you don't know..!?"

"It's not my business but if she is then good for her"

"Why are you suddenly not helping me...?"

"I never said I was going to keep that promise"

He looks down as she held his shoulder "Maybe you should get over her now. She found someone else"

"I don't believe that she is dating anybody unless that someone asked her out in front of me"

She rolls her eyes and closes her locker after getting her book

"Would you leave...? My boyfriend wouldn't like to see me close to you."

"You're dating now? Who is that?"

"Chu Jimin, Jiwoo's brother."

Sunjae was shocked

"If I see someone who can't take care of my best friend and sister in law. Then I won't like him."

"Minju please-!"

"Haeun is staring this way. I better leave and don't talk to me again." Minju walks away from him and looked over to see Haeun glaring at him

Minju then looks at her phone and camera as she fixes her hair for a FaceTime with Chu Jimin.

Lim Jimin was just watching her from a distance as she looked so happy

"Are you okay...?" Bain asked him

He just smiled "I was expecting it"

Geonu rolls his eyes and crosses his arms "And you should've saw it coming" He finally returned to school.

Sangwoo and Doyum were shocked to see Geonu was back and weren't able to hide their happiness

Bain smiled "You're back!"

"Not fully" He looks at Lim Jimin who just looked up and down at him nervously

"Why are you looking down now?"

"Because I feel sorry for you..."

"You were the one who got me suspended"

"Yeah I know..I'm really sorry! You are really apart of our friend group"

"I'll think about it...but apologize to Chuji too"

Limji looks at Bain and them and awkwardly nodded

Sangwoo and Doyum gathered around Geonu and smiled while patting his shoulders "We missed you!"

"Welcome back~" Sangwoo back hugs Geonu from behind and squishes his cheek onto his

Sangwoo looks at him and tries pushing him "You big baby!"

"I'm your baby~"

Geonu just laughs it off and pats the top of his head and he looks at Doyum "Dude!" he wraps his arm around his shoulder

Doyum silently listened to him "I heard you are dating some girl..."

"Where did you hear that..?"

He looks at Bain

Bain looks back and tried telling him not to say

"From Bain..."

Bain laughs it off awkwardly

"Yeah we went on a date last night.."

"She pretty?"

"She is"

Geonu punches his arm lightly and teases him

Doyum tries containing his smile

Lim Jimin looks at them and smiled as he looks to see Minju wasn't there so he excused himself to find her

Bain sighs "I feel bad for him but I'm happy for Chuji"

"Don't stop him. He will figure it out" Geonu said

Doyum and Sangwoo nodded in agreement

Doyum then turns around as he felt someone was behind him

He smiles as he waves as he saw her with her friend

She smiles and waved back and walked away to the other side

He just smiled widely as he watches her leave with her friend

"Stop bragging that you have someone to flirt with, Jeon Doyum." Sangwoo frowned

"Is the maknae jealous~?" Geonu said as the rest just laughed at Sangwoo

He rolled his eyes "I'm taken by Onlyb"

They laugh as he said their fandom name.

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