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(A/N: dear m and wish these two singers were a couple in the drama T^T)

Jiwoo woke up the next day as she checked her phone before getting a bunch of messages from the group chat

She looks at it and sees that they kept tagging her in a post and it was about how Haeun and Sunjae had a fight 'The new queen bee and her king broke up due to ex girlfriend'

'You guys know that this isn't my business anymore'

Minju then says 'It should sorta matter because you got revenge on that piece of shit'

'Facts tho' Seoyeon said

Jiwoo smiles as she puts her phone and she gets up to get ready for school as she takes a picture with her wearing Minju's bracelet and sends it to the group chat 'Loved the gifts'

'You look so pretty Jiwoo' Lee Know told her

'SLAYYY BABE' Seoyeon says

Minju then commented 'I thought the necklace would fit you, it's so pretty on you ^^'

Jiwoo smiles 'Thank you all~ I'm off to school now'

'Bubye text later' Seoyeon said

Everyone went offline as Jiwoo went downstairs to eat breakfast and then leave the house with Jimin trailing behind her

They walked to Jungwon who just got his house and he looks at the both of them and smiled "Good morning guys"

Jimin yawns "Good morning..."

"Did you not get sleep Jimin?"

Jimin shook his head "My parents were out here worried because Jiwoo took awhile to get home"

"I told you that it would be for awhile!"

"Yeahhh! But what if you got kidnapped?" Jimin paused while they were walking "Did you go to the city?"

Jiwoo looks around and said "Yes I did"

"You could go there for vacation but just know you can't go right now"

"Yes yes...older brother" Jiwoo rolls her eyes

Jungwon looks at them and smiled silently

Jimin then gets notifications on his phone and he checks since it was blowing up from his group chat

"Chu Jiwoo!"

Jiwoo turns around "Yes?"

"Ohhh~ you finally broke up with your boyfriend?"

Jiwoo sighs and nodded "You were right...he wasn't good"

"I didn't know that you slapped him too"

Jiwoo then says "Yah..." she looks at Jungwon "Stop.."

"Anyways!" Jimin cleared his throat and wraps his arm around Jiwoo's shoulder "Should I set you up with someone~? There is someone who might be interested in you"

Jungwon was kinda nervous when he said that and bit his lower lip

Jiwoo pushes his hands off "No...! Jungwon wouldn't let me. Right?" they both turned to him

Jungwon nodded "Yes...don't set her up or else her friends will come after you"

Jimin scoffs "You can just say you like her..." he mumbled

"What did you say?" Jiwoo asked


Jiwoo was walking together with Jungwon to their classroom and Jungwon asked her "Is that why you were all dressed up yesterday...?"

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