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(A/N: tw part; blood, cursing.)

Jiwoo was waiting outside as she texts the boy, he was running a bit late after over sleeping

She looks to see the boy rushing out his gate and she called "Yang Jungwon!"

The red head boy turns to see her as she stood besides him "Lets go? We are running late"

"I'm sorry about that" He told her and they started to walk to school

"No worries"

Chu Jimin already left before hand and he was in his classroom, staring at his phone and he found Minju posted on Instagram a few minutes ago, he smiles and liked the post 'Good luck in class~' he wished her and scrolls through the comments to see a bunch of comments from her friends and as well as other school mates but what bothered him the most was that he saw his ex friends liking her post


Chu Jimin was walking with his friends and he sees a few guards and a girl who was shivering with his white coat, it was pretty cold these days. He wondered why she didn't have more layers, he watched the girl and she happens to notice him. He turns back around and stopped walking.

His friend, Geonu then stopped when he turns to see Chu Jimin stopped walking as well as his other friends

"Why did you stop?" Lim Jimin wraps his arm around his shoulder and brought him foward and he then mumbled "Don't you feel at least a little bad for Han Sumin?"

"Whos that?" Doyum laughs at his comment, pretending not to know her

"Some obsessed bitch" Lim Jimin said and everyone else laughed out loud

Chu Jimin looks at them and says "Yahh...don't say that"

"It's true though, it's her fault because she was so obsessed with me."

"Yeah right, she almost hurt our friend." Bain looks at Chu Jimin and his friends were just staring waiting for him to say he agrees with them

"I told you guys to be less mean now, it's over now."

"Do you still like her..?" Sangwoo said annoyed

Doyum laughs again with the rest "I think he does..."

"Get over her" Lim Jimin pats his shoulder

Chu Jimin pushes his arm away and Bain then says "Chill! It's a joke" he breezed by pass them, ignoring whatever they were yelling at him.

Lim Jimin glares and Geonu said "Don't worry about it..." he pats his shoulder

"His attitude is kinda getting annoying"

"I actually second that" Doyum says in which all of them started nodding their heads

"You know what you guys might be right" Geonu said and they all started walking away

end of flashback

They couldn't take enough of him and almost everyday they would fight so Chu Jimin got out of their friendships fast

He felt annoyed reading the comments with them, just complimenting her but he knows they have ill intentions. He got a notification that popped up and sees to see that Geonu followed him, he was so confused because they unfollowed each other a long time ago.

He sees a dm from him, he takes a deep breath before opening it up

"Chuji , it's been such a long time"

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