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(A/N: because this whole chapter is starting out like this)

It was beach day

She screamed as she rolled down the window "The sea!! This air.." she starts smelling it as Jungwon who was seated besides her, touches her shoulder

"Why are you smelling the air?" He looks at her and tilts his head while smiling at her

She blinks "Oh oh-! I'm sorry" she closes the window "But have you ever not been to the beach for awhile and the air just smells good for no reason?"

Jungwon laughs as Jimin was in the back seat "I don't even know why I'm here..." he said while playing a game on his phone

Jiwoo looks at him "Come on! It's the beach. We are going to have so much fun!"

"It's so hot and moist out there, I rather be at home." Jimin looks at Jungwon and sat up "But it will make get to know each other more ;)"

Jungwon felt his ears turning heating up and Jimin smirked

Jiwoo looks at Jungwon then at Jimin "Please shut up" she told him and rubs her hands on her thighs

They opened the car and the trunk while getting out the car while Jungwon was helping the girl, holding her hand so she could get down safely

Jimin looks at Jungwon when he stares at him "Don't look at me...I'm too single for this"

"Jiwoo-ah!" The three of them turned around and were faced the sun until they see a group of five people coming over to them

Jiwoo was shocked "Minju!" She smiled and ran over to hug her tightly

Jungwon goes over to Sumin and Sunghoon "You joined us..." he looks at Sunghoon

Sunghoon looks at him "How could I not..we are best friends after all" he said, patting his shoulder

Jungwon smiled at Sumin "Hey..."

Sumin smiles too "Hi.."

He could tell her and Sunghoon were both awkward Ashe then brought them over to Jiwoo's friends

Jiwoo was still hugging Lee Know, Seoyeon, and Minju as if she didn't see them recently "I can't believe you guys were able to convince your parents to come..."

"Anything for our Jiwoo-ah!" Lee Know said as Jungwon came over and heard him say that, he couldn't help but to feel a bit jealous

"I'm so ready for this...I hope to see handsome men here and I could already see some" Seoyeon started whispering besides Lee Know as she saw Jungwon, Sunghoon, and Jimin. She smirked.

Lee Know frowns and looks at Seoyeon "I'm more handsome than them. I bet they don't have abs" he stopped speaking when Sunghoon and Jimin started taking off their shirts and were shirtless now

Seoyeon gasped as she peeks through her hands and starts giggling to herself

Lee Know was shocked to see how actually ripped they were and he take off is bag and gave it to Seoyeon to carry while taking off his shirt

Seoyeon looks at him and nudges his arm "Hoyyy...what are you doing? You're very embarrassing you now" she looks at his abs and before plugging her nose "Digusting shit"

Minju and Jiwoo both looked at Lee Know's abs surprised and Jiwoo said "I was not expecting that..."

"I work out a lot" Lee Know starts flexing his arm muscles

Jungwon drops his bag as he then takes off his shirt too

Minju and Jiwoo turned their heads and were shocked with Jungwon's well defined abs

Even Seoyeon was curious to look

Lee Know suddenly got insecure after looking at Jungwon's abs "I have been eating recently..." he puts back on his shirt and takes his bag from Seoyeon

Seoyeon looks at him and says "Deserved"

Jiwoo looks at Jungwon and then says "Oh Jungwon these are my friends! Lee Know, Seoyeon, and Minju"

Minju looks at him and waved as well as Seoyeon and Lee Know

Jungwon felt a bit better as she said her and Lee Know were just friends and he went back to being smiley "These are my friends...Sunghoon and Sumin"

Jimin was lowkey blushing when he saw Minju stares over to him and then says outloud "Hi Minju!" he waved

Minju smiles and gets shy "Hi...!" she laughed it off

Sumin and Sunghoon greeted Jiwoo's friends

Seoyeon smacks Lee Know's arm "He's kinda handsome..." she said whispering about Sunghoon

Lee Know nodded "He kinda looks like me"

Seoyeon stopped and walks away when he said that

"It's true!" He said following the girl who has no patience and started running on the sand with flip flops, Seoyeon was screaming in laughter as Lee Know started chasing and tickling her

Jungwon then whispers to Jiwoo and Minju as she heard him too "They kinda look good together if I'm going to be honest..."

Minju starts laughing and hitting Jiwoo's arm as Jiwoo looks at Jungwon and smiled slightly "Seoyeon actually has a handsome boyfriend"

"Whattt?..I'm sorry" Jiwoo laughs at him "It's okay, you'll meet him later and so far Lee Know is still single and he needs a girlfriend lol"

Jungwon scratches the back of his head and smiled at her, looking at her lips for a second since their faces were a bit close

Jiwoo seriously felt butterflies when she saw his action and starts walking towards the beach, Jungwon found himself following the girl

Sunghoon pats Sumin's shoulder as she walked side by side right behind them

Minju rubs the back of her neck as Jimin went closer to her "Shall we?"

"Sure~" She smiled and he smiled too

Minju blushed 'I didn't know he had such a pretty smile...'

'Her up close profile is killing me...' Jimin thought and looked over at her

Sunghoon asked her since he was besides her "Should we go somewhere else...?"

Sumin looks at him "Uhm...I mean, sure" she was shrieking under Sunghoon's embrace

Sunghoon then takes her to another side of the beach and sits down with her on the rocks, he helps her on it and sat her besides him

He sits besides her and said "So have you told him your feelings...?" he threw the rocks in the ocean

Sumin looks at him and looks down "No I haven't been able too...I think I'm such a coward"

Sunghoon looks at her "You should've told me if you did. I wouldn't have came" he paused

"Sunghoon" She stops when he spoke up

"I wouldn't have came here today if I wanted to be the one who stole your heart."


сс ꞊ сύ𝘵ᥱ𐍃𝘵 сᵒύȠ𝘵𝜞ỵ 𝔟ᵒỵ 。 ỵშȠ𝗴 ﮌύȠ𝗴𝜛ᵒȠ Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora