36: Strange Man

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The lights start to flicker.

"Uh oh," I say.

I see Will feel the back of his neck just like he did when Billy snapped in the sauna.

"He's here," Will shivers.

"Let's go," I say.

We begin to make our way to try and find Nancy and Jonathan. The front desk lady tries to stop us, but we ignore her. We stand in front of the elevator as Max continuously presses it, but the elevator doesn't seem to come fast enough.

"Stairs," Mike says.

We rush to the stairs. Once we get upstairs we see Jonathan trying to break down a door with a fire extinguisher.

"Jonathan!" I call out.

"Nancy and that thing are in there," He yells.

We run to the door, and El makes it fly off its hinges with her powers. I see the monster with huge teeth. It looks like it's made of sludge and blood. Disgusting.

"Jesus," Mike gasps.

"What the f-" Max starts.

Before she can finish her sentence the monster screeches and charges us. Eleven uses her powers and slams the monster into the wall, sending cracks throughout it. She then sends it to the other side of the wall with a yell. Then, it goes up to the ceiling. The monster is shrieking as it is getting slammed into things. Finally, El slams it down on the ground. It gets back up with ease and begins to charge us again. This thing never stops.

El uses her powers to throw the monster back, sending it flying out the window. The glass shatters, and Nancy shield's her head. We hear a thump hit the pavement from outside, and Jonathan immediately turns his attention to Nancy.

"Nancy!" Jonathan says, panicked.

"Come on!" I yell.

We leave Jonathan and Nancy behind as I lead the group outside to see if the monster is still there. We run outside as quickly as possible, trying to catch it before it can run away. If it will run away.

I push the door open and hear a sluggish noise. That's when I see the monster turn into a sludge again and seep into the sewer drain in the concrete. Jonathan and Nancy come outside and stand beside us, watching this disgusting creature.

As it seeps in, it leaves something behind. I furrow my eyebrows and slowly walk toward it, realizing that it's human bones. That thing... was made of humans?

I gag at it and cover my mouth with one hand, holding my stomach with the other. Could Billy be a part of that sludge?


El ties her black bandana around her eyes again and tries to find anyone that we know is Flayed. Heather, Billy, Ms. Driscoll, or even Tom and Bruce Lowe from Nancy's job. The kids and I wait outside of her room. El said she needed to focus, and nobody could be in there while she was using her power.

"It can't be good for her to be in there this long," Mike complains.

"Mike, you need to relax," Max says.

"Seriously, take it down a notch, yeah?" I say, annoyed.

"What if she gets brain damage or something?" Mike questions.

"Oh, shit. Is that, like, a real thing?" Lucas asks.

"No, it's not. He made it up," Max sighs. "Mike doesn't know what the hell he's talking about."

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