CHAPTER XXVII: Two of Sword Reversed

Start from the beginning

"You've lost it, haven't you?" Wilbur just asks and she laughs, ridiculing him for this pathetic question.

"I lost it years ago, Wilbur. Deciding to help you parent your child was already a sign of this." He looks at her confusedly.

"The hell is that supposed to mean?"

"I mean that you're not good at parenting, Wilbur. And deciding to help you out, only led to me taking full responsibility for your action. You'd say that a donkey doesn't hit its head against the same rock twice, but here I was, making the same mistake twice anyways."

"I'm not bad at parenting."

"I suppose. You're not even a parent to begin with. You're just the person who turned Fundy into a vampire. Right, Wilbur?" Wilbur wants to talk, but Sally refuses to let him. "I'm just another piece of evidence that history repeats itself. 'Someone who knows of history, knows not to repeat it', an old friend once told me, and yet I got with you, just like everyone else is either an ignorant fool or an arrogant person who thinks they can do better. Or maybe just naïve. I don't know. But I do know that I regret ever taking Fundy in, instead of leaving you to do some of the job as well, Wilbur."

Wilbur simply stares at his feet, while the two of them are passing the street in which Sam is talking to Sapnap, although it's more like he's scolding him.

"Did you ever regret your time with me?"

"I regret trusting you as much as I did, but trust me, Wilbur, you're far from the worst man I've known." Both Sally and Wilbur look up when Sam calls out his name, seeming to stand closer to the growing plant like both he and Sapnap should. Wilbur's face shifts to discomfort as he approaches them. Sally follows, although she can't feel anything out of the ordinary, which isn't unexpected.

"What is it, Sam?" Wilbur groans, his body looking weak and his eyes looking more dead than usual, but the siren can't explain why.

Sam, however, seems to be more than relaxed. Feeling oddly comfortable around the possibly dangerous anomaly, he is standing next to the pissed Sapnap, who has been bothering him ever since the flowers started growing there. "What do you want me to do with the poltergeist? He's been refusing to follow your father's orders."

"Philza can't make me do shit," Sapnap just snarls at Sam, crossing his arms as he glances over at the plant. "Besides, why in the hell are you allowed to stay close to it, but I'm not? Doesn't seem very fair."

"I have a duty to fulfil. You're just a citizen meant to follow instructions."

"I'm not just a citizen, asshole, I'm one of the most feared poltergeists to ever roam this world."

Sally glances over at Wilbur, waiting to hear what he has to say. The flower plant has been here ever since your first outburst of energy, caused by the pure fear that any prey would have in a life-threatening situation. However, at first, she didn't believe it would have that much effect on anything, but judging by the way it's grown and by the way it affects these three singular people, she's wondering if it maybe does have an influence after all.

But if it does, then it has a certainly weird one. While Sally is pretty sure that Wilbur tends to react in manic ways when he's in your company, following purely the beating of his heart and allowing this sensation to make the decisions for him, he seems to have the exact opposite reaction whilst close to the flower, instead seeming to feel deader than ever and more tired than he thought was possible.

She can't tell what's up with Sapnap and Sam though, but unlike Wilbur, they seemingly prefer to stay in its presence, and she wonders what can cause this. Does it have something to do with the fact that Wilbur was the first to be hit? Or at least, 'met' your energy before he met those of the plants? What do the two think of you?

Do you work like a drug? What's the difference between your energy and the plant's? So many questions, yet so few answers.

"I don't care what you do with him, just keep him away from this thing," Wilbur distastefully orders, only to be met with Sam's eyes which scream discontent.

"But, Wil-" he starts, but Wilbur doesn't let him finish.

"And stay away from it as well, Sam. You're not asked to become victim to whatever the fuck this is, only to prevent this from happening in other cases. If I discover that you've been influenced, you'll be replaced, as easy as that." Sam's eyes widen as one of his paws stomps on the ground – possibly just a reaction to a fly – only to receive a victorious glare from Sapnap. "Don't look so content yet, Sapnap. If you don't watch out, we will throw you in the dungeons." Sapnap scoffs, avoiding to look anyone in the eyes as he angrily walks off. Sam sighs as Wilbur grabs Sally's arm loosely, gesturing to her with his head.

When the two of them have left Sam behind, Sally can see the way that Wilbur gets more and more energetic again, before letting out a deep sigh when they've gone far enough, being close to Foolish's church as he shivers. After this, he turns to Sally and grins, being more confident now. "You know, Sally, after this exhausting short exchange, I really feel like seeing Y/N again. Something in me says that they're right here."

Although Sally always loves your company, the way that Wilbur says it makes her feel uneasy. Can he feel your presence? 


I've started working on the special! I don't know when it'll be done, though, but we'll see, haha!

(It's a reversed AU basically, by the way. However, if you want, I can also make a short book of the best fanfic quotes for those who want it and then post that after I reach another number that I feel like deserves a celebration, in a way. So, for that, please leave some of the quotes you've read in any of my fanfics that you'd like to be featured in it! (That way I don't have to do it later, lol))

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