Helstea Auction - II (The other side)

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Tessia Eralith POV

We were preparing for our depart to Grandma Rinia cottage as Grey advised us to, while I was so excited to meet her again my parents had anxious looks on their faces. Perhaps they were worried about me because of what Grey said in his message or they were just afraid to learn what is written in my fate I will never know and also I don't have any idea how the powers of Grandma Rinia or Grey works and how they are able to describe my future but I can't help but excited to learn about it.

Grey has also mentioned about his disciple in the message and since that time I am so curious to learn about what kind of person he or she will be.

We were sitting in the carriage patiently waiting to arrive at Grandma's cottage. I was looking from the window drinking the beautiful sight around me while pondering about something that had been struck in my mind for a while.

I can feel the presence of mana but in a.... wierd way, according to Grandpa when we awaken as mage we can naturally feel the mana in the atmosphere with the help of our mana core but my ability to sense mana doesn't end here it's a totally different feeling but I can sense how mana reacts to different circumstances.

It felt like mana has it's own will and is judging it's surroundings like a living being. I don't know if mana has it's own will but I have some kind of sixth sense which allows me to do so. I am sure there is more to this ability and I will surely gain insight in it.

"Tess, we are here" I heard voice of my grandfather snapping myself to reality. I was so lost in the thoughts that I didn't even realise that the carriage is stopped.

"Coming Grandpa"

We got out of the carriage arriving at the hut.

"Hey, you old witch! come out!" Grandpa suddenly yelled while knocking on the door. My parents let out a light chuckle at Grandpa's behaviour while I was practically jumping in mixture of impatience and excitement.

Suddenly the door flew open to reveal a old lady with grey hair and strange colourful eyes dressed in a simple robe who was none other than my Grandma.

"Took you long enough to get here!" She scowled.

"Hahaha! It's good to see you again Rinia" Grandpa greeted her.

Grandma looked at me and her expression softened into a smile as she patted my head.

"It's good to see you again Virion, Aludin, Merial, charming as ever little Tessia. Come inside."


Grandpa, mother, father, Grandma and me were currently sitting around a circular table.

"So Tessia can you show me the keystone that Grey gave to you." Grandma asked me with a soft expression. How did she knew about keystone? I know she has some kind of power which helps her seeing someone future but I didn't expect it to this extent. I looked at Grandpa, there is chance that he told her. Almost as if he knew what I was thinking, he chuckled.

"Tess I didn't tell Rinia about it there isn't many things you can hide from diviner like her." Grandpa said. I started at her dumbfounded before letting out an uncomfortable cough.
I reached for the keystone from my brand new dimensional ring and gave it to her.

She studied the mysterious cube with intrest and amazement, her fingers were touching and feeling it's surface carefully as she tried to made it react to her presence. The keystone isn't showing a reaction do she gave up and put the cube on the table.

"Intriguing! The way more even than 10000 spells are studded into it keeping it's own realm stable and react to a particular mana signature, Fascinating! It's truly a masterpiece made by experience of ten thousands of years. Even I can't make sense of its invisible runes." Grandma started praising it continuously making our eyes widened and jaw slack.

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