Once Upon A Dream

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He had a dream about a girl. This was shortly after The War, so Harry Potter was no stranger to odd nightmares taking strange turns. This was the first time he'd ever seen Her though. The dream started off normal enough; what with the full color HD montage of everyone he's ever cared about dying and being tortured because of him. With Voldemort laughing maniacally in the background surrounded by his army of Death Eaters. It was then that the scenery seemed to glitch and buffer. Victims and villains alike were bathed in vibrant red and green rectangles. Cutting in and out of focus, as if he was looking at a moving picture that was corrupted somehow. He looked down at his own hands that were covered in the blood of innocents, he seemed to be the only one unaffected. "Why do you torture yourself like this?", a melodic voice softly asked him. His head snapped up as he whirled around to spot the intruder. She seemed to materialize out of thin air from behind a badly distorted version of The Dark Lord. She looked so delicate and fragile, almost floaty even. He wondered if that was because she was a figment of his imagination. She laughed as if she'd read his mind, it reminded him of bells tinkling. Wasn't there a muggle story out there somewhere that said something about faeries' voices sounding like small bells to human ears? "I can assure you that I am not a faerie, Young Harry.", she reassured him as she tapped on Voldemort's shoulder.

He crumbled like a fractured marble statue, his followers immediately followed suit. She let out a sigh of relief before dusting her hands off. "There now, that's much better isn't it?", she rhetorically asked. Harry felt almost frozen where he stood, he was quite confused really. Why was this mystery woman- no, girl, here? She looked younger than him, shorter even. She felt familiar, if you could know someone you've never met, that's what she was to him. "Who are you, and why are you here in my dream?", he questioned. Even if it was apparent that she'd hear his queries regardless if he'd spoken them aloud or not. She silently stared into his eyes intently, and whomever said that the eyes were the windows to the soul were dead on. Because it felt as if his was splayed open bare for her to study and judge as she saw fit. She remained mute as she glided towards him. He wasn't sure if her feet were even touching the ground at that point. Her platinum blonde hair seemed to billow around her as she approached. He imagined one would get a similar effect if they were underwater. Her piercing green eyes appeared to have found what they were looking for, as she stopped short a couple of meters from him. "I'm Willamina, but feel free to call me Willa. Nearly everyone else does. As for why I'm here, the answer is simple. You needed me, so here I am. What I think the better, and much more interesting question would be, is why you think you deserve this?", she explained before gesturing to the ruins surrounding them.

He shook his head to deny the accusation, zeroing in on that above everything else. "I don't, this a dream, a mishmash of memories my brain plays for me at night. It's not like I WANT to see all this again.", he defended as he crossed his arms in front of his chest. He didn't know why he was so worried about what an imaginary girl thought of him, but he seemed to be rivaling Ron when it came to insecurities at that moment. The amused look she gave him scratched the recesses of his brain that had him mentally scrambling to try and place it. "You are your brain and subconsciousness, aren't you? So it seems to me like you do want to see 'all this' again. Although I'm fairly certain your best mates didn't die in the final battle, nor did your entire class. You feel guilt, it's okay to admit as much. Especially here where no one else'll hear you.", she said kindly. He read it as pity, even though he knew that's not how she meant it. He bristled with annoyance all the same. "It's a nightmare alright? It doesn't have to be historically accurate, it's meant to be scary and painful and traumatizing! You're making a big deal out of nothing honestly.", he snapped before he could think any better of it. He immediately felt bad for losing his temper with the younger teen. He was a leader, The Chosen One, The Boy Who Lived - Twice, the embodiment of light itself; he wasn't supposed to get angry at someone like her. He wasn't ALLOWED to get angry at someone like her.

Once Upon A Dream(Harry Potter)(Harry x Draco)(Drarry)Where stories live. Discover now