Rise & Shine it's Butt whooping time!

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(novelty rock and roll music plays)

-A car pulls ups into a parking spot.-

"Wooly bully"

-Three teens a football jock, a girl, and the jocks friend exit the car.-

Jock: Piece of junk!

I should scrap this and buy some muscle.

(San Fernando Valley, 1965)

-They walk into a diner.-

Jock: All I know is it's Notre Dame's turn

for a butt-kicking next week.

-The Jock puts his arm around the girl as they walk to the table he bumps into a one of the workers on purpose.-

Girl: Why'd you run up the score on Stanford?

I feel bad for them.

-They sit down at a table.-

Jock: What kind of question is that, Betsy?

They're the opponent.

You don't show them mercy.

-The same worker the jock bumped into passes each of them a set of utensils.-

Betsy(smiles at the worker): Thank you.

-He smiles back at her but the jock doesn't like that.-

Jock: What are you looking' at?


Worker: Sorry.

-He walks away from the table.-

Jock's friend: He's the one whose mom killed herself.

Jock(scoffs): Explains why he's such a freak.

Betsy: Stop that!

Jock: Can it, Betsy.

A freak is a freak.

If you love him so much, start a circus.


-An army recruiter walks up to there table.-

Recruiter: Ma'am, pardon the interruption.

Just thought the fellas here had the look.

We can use you out there in Vietnam, men.

-He puts a brochure on there table.-

Amazing what you can become

with a little discipline and direction.

-The Jock picks up the brochure.-

The army gives a man

a true purpose in life.

What do you say?

This could be you.

Jock: Very inspiring.

We'll, uh...

We'll sure think about it.

Recruiter: Ma'am.

-The recruiter walks away as the jock crumples up the brochure and throws it on the ground.-


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