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I sit in the cafeteria next to my boyfriend, Tyler. He takes a bite out of his sandwich and quickly realizes I'm upset.

"What's wrong?" Tyler asks sincerely.

"I got a C on my math test." I sigh tossing my test on the table, having it land on his brown, paper lunch bag.

"Oh you got a 78%," Tyler shrugs. "Big deal." He says sarcastically as we hands me the paper.

"My parents are going to be so disappointed." I say shaking my head.

"What's with your parents?" He asks. "I mean not to be rude or anything."

"You don't even know half of it." I open my lunch bag and take out my salad.

"Well tell me the half I don't know."
All lunch I attempted to avoid the topic on my parents. It's not that they are mean, of course not. They are just different. I have to follow their rules. They want me to be their perfect Christan daughter. I will never be that way.

My older sister was successful at following the rules. She is now married and has a a daughter, Beca, and a son, Josiah. My parents approve of her and support her in every way. Me? Well I'm a whole different story.

My parents only wanted one kid, aka my sister, Nova. Nova was the perfect child and my parents wanted to have a perfect life. With my dad being lead pastor, my mom being the second pastor, and my sister going to every church service, life was good.

One night my parents, you know, did it. They ended up getting pregnant. What they had done was "terrible" because they had sex for fun, not to get pregnant. Ewhh...rebellious. And so basically, I'm a sin.

Oh and get this. When I was still in the womb, the doctors said I was going to be a boy. Yeah, a boy. So my room was painted baby blue and all my clothes were colored blue and green. Some even had race-cars on them.

I was born and my whole family was shocked, but of course they had to be happy because it's a child. It was obvious they weren't that happy, according to some pictures I've seen.

And that's my life. We'll of course not all of it, but you can see that I'm a pretty boring person. Like really boring. I live by my parents rules. It's all there is to it.
I walk home from school with my best friend Vivian. She has been my best friend since I was baptised (at like 2 months). She was baptised the same day and we went to the same church until now. We are both seniors and next year we are moving on to collage. My parents are still trying to get me to do an online, monitored schooling, but I rejected their offer and have decided to go to the University of California.

"El your upset about something." Vivian says as we walk into our neighbourhood (yes, we are neighbors too).

"It's Tyler." I sigh.

"But I thought you guys we like in 'love'". Viv says making a heart out of her hands.

"No, no. It's not about OUR relationship. It's about the relationship he wants with my parents."

"I mean he keeps asking questions about them and questioning me for not ever having a boyfriend before!" I say starting to yell.

"I still can't believe you haven't told your parents yet." Vivian rolls her eyes.

"Well Nova and her family are coming over tomorrow night for dinner, I think I'll tell them there, but I don't know yet." Whenever Nova is over my parents are so nice. They act like my sister is a special guest or something. She lived here! She knows where the fridge is! SHE CAN GET HER OWN WATER!

It bugs me when Nova comes over. It's not fair how I have all these rules and Nova now doesn't go by those rules anymore. I love Tyler. How can I break away from that?
I walk into the house and smell an ugly smell. Ew. I walk into the kitchen and see my mother changing a child's diaper. That child would have to be Josiah.

"Wait Nova's here?" I ask sort of shielding my eyes and covering my nose.

"Yeah she's in your room." my mom says as she picks up the changed baby.

"My room?"

"Yeah she, Matthew, Beca, and Josiah are staying the night."

"My room?" I question again sort of angry.

"Well your room is bigger than the guest room...amd Nova's old room isn't cleaned completely." my mom hands me Josiah. "Go say hi."

I walk upstairs, annoyed. I enter my room and see Nova and Matthew laying on my bed.

"Ella!" Nova squeals in excitement.

"Leave." I say pointing to the door. "Your not sleeping here, no way."

"El, we just got here and mom sai-"

"I don't care what mom said this is my room so leave the frickin room or I just might punch a wall!!" I yell, loud enough for my mom to hear.


I sigh and walk downstairs. "Mom I don't see what the big deal is."

"You said a swear word! THAT IS A BIG DEAL!" My mom says a bit rudely.

"We'll how come saying a word is a big deal, but abusing your child isn't!?" I yell. Tears run down my face as I shake my head and run out the front door.

I keep running until I find a safe place. A place where I can be ALONE.

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