A Housecat, The Stray and Phantom Gods, and a Tail

Start from the beginning

Kurumi: It most definitely will be.

(YN): What are you two talking about?

Kurumi: A secret between sisters.

Tomone: Can you take on a phantom of that size?

Yato: It is exam season, so everyone's on edge. This will be a synch. Let's go, Tomone.

Tomone: Yes, Yato-san.

Yato leaps off the rooftop, falling towards the Phantom.

Yato: Come, Hanki!

As Yato called her name, the kanji character on Tomone's arm emits a white light. The kanji envelopes her in light, then shoots up in the air, transforming her into her vessel form and heading for Yato. Meanwhile, Yato stomps repeatedly on the phantom's head. The phantom tries to eat the tracksuit-wearing god, but to no avail as the he jumped from the phantom's head to get higher into the air. When Yato was high enough, a dagger, Tomone's vessel form, made it to his hand.

(YN): Guess it's our time now. Ready, Itami?

Itami: Always!

I jump on top of the water tank.

(YN): Come, Tsuki!

Similar to Tomone, the kanji characters on Itami's mask envelopes her in a black light and shoots her up in the air. I jump into where I catch the black blade in my hand as I got high in the air with Yato.

(YN) & Yato: Calamitous spirit that brings misfortune to these sacred lands./You who would desecrate this Land of the Rising Sun.

While reciting, we make a "halberd" shape with our index and middle fingers, causing our fingertips to glow. We swipe our fingers along our weapons, "charging" them with the power of our spells.

(YN) & Yato: With my advent, I, Phantom God (YN), end thy life with Tsuki to end thy corruption./With my advent, I, Yatogami, lay waste with Hanki and expel thy vast defilement!

With our weapons fully "charged", we go down the phantom's body and slash at different sections of it until we got to the ground.

(YN) & Yato: Cease./Rend.

The cut portions of the Phantom's body separate and explode, killing it instantly.

Yato: You were no match for my shinki.

(YN): Revert, Itami.

Itami changes back to back to their human form. Kurumi joins everyone on the ground.

Itami: How did I do, (YN)-sama?

(YN): You did pretty well.

Itami smiles brightly at the given praise from (YN).

Itami: Did you hear that, Nee-san? I did pretty well!

Kurumi: You certainly did.

She pats Itami on the head, making her chuckle.

Tomone: Yato-san. Hey, Yato-san.

Yato: Huh? Oh. Revert, Tomone.

Tomone reverts to her human form. After changing back, Tomone instantly sniffing herself.

Tomone: You and your nasty, sweaty hands.

Tomone's comment shocks Yato and makes the phantom sisters laugh.

(YN): And he wonders why I don't want him putting his hands on me.

Yato: H-H-How... dare you...! I'm your master—!

The Stray God and the Phantom GodWhere stories live. Discover now