Attempt at Battle

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I looked behind me to see that Malden was flying behind us. "Oh great." I huffed. "We are being followed." East said also looking behind. Gamandar spun around and blew out a large heap of flames. Malden, having all four powers, sprayed the fire with spurts of water. Gamandar panicked and started to fly faster. Hold on tight. Gamandar said slowly and deeply. North yelped and held on for her dear life. I didn't dare look behind, for I feared that I would loose my grip while looking and fly off into Malden's hands. If he were still behind us. Gamandar was flying through the clouds and landed softly on a big white building. Wait a minute. I noticed that building. We were on top of the Washington D.C. Capitol building. I panicked. I could see the Washington monument, the World War 2 memorial and the Lincoln memorial. The President came out of the building and looked up. Gamandar quickly formed to Gaston. Malden just stayed in mid air awkwardly with the rest of us. "What are you trespassers doing?!" A secret service man yelled to us. "It's not what it looks like I swear!" East yelled in a 'don't arrest me please!' voice. "Hello Mr. President!" Malden said creepily. The President and all of his secret service men looked up. "Holy mother of.... Who is that?!" A man practically screamed. "It'll take too much time to answer that." Malden yelled back and Threw a fire ball at the President. Gaston formed to Gamandar and flew to catch the fire. He tossed it in the air and breathed more fire to move the flames towards Malden. It hit him in the head but didn't affect him. West was already woken up when I turned around. She felt her head groggily and almost broke out in tears. I knew the pain was probably giving her a throbbing headache. I felt so bad and walked over to her. She coughed a bit, and started to speak. "What... happened?" Her voice was a little raspy, but wasn't as bad as you would think. Sierra went to comfort her. "Gamandar is fighting Malden. And I believe he-" She was cut off by the sound of a roar. The President and his men were gone, probably inside the house. Gamandar was thrown back slowly turning into Gaston again. He fell into North and almost crushed her. "Ow!" I heard her muffle under his shoulder. He got up. "So sorry!" He said apologetically. "It's fine. I almost drowned once so... yeah. It didn't really hurt." She said. He nodded. "It's a failed attempt at battle." he said. "We should probably go." East said. I couldn't have agreed more. "You don't have to tell me twice." I said. West tried to get up, but she failed. Sierra and Gaston helped her. He changed as Malden charged for us. He scooped us all up to be quicker and flew. Very fast.

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