Chapter 5: a newborn and a new face

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POV 3rd person

Lance walked into the castle holding the baby in his arm as the man dragon carried the into an empty room when the baby started to cry. "Oh what's wrong?" he asked. "you're hungry aren't you?"

Lance waved his hands a bottle full of milk appeared out of the air and floated down the baby's mouth as she started to drink from it Lance smiled at the baby. "you really are just the cutest thing, I'll look after you until your mother is all healed huh? do you have a name I wonder? Well until I learn I'll...I'll call you Crystal," Lance said.

after a few hours, Lance treated the injured woman and created an arcane cot for the baby to sleep in. "Does she look lonely to you?" Lance asked.

the Ender gorf looked up at him blankly. "Yeah your right, do you want to hug her?" Lance asked. the gorf looked up at him and just hopped away. "Well you're helpful, now let's see," Lance went through his books and settled on a spell and from the air an ender gorf appeared although this one was soft and stuffed.

Lance plucked the plushie from the air and placed it next to the sleeping baby Crystal, and smiled.

a week later and Sheila woke up, painting looking about the dull empty room, and the fact she didn't know where she was, she went to get out of the bed but found her legs too weak to move. "Shit," she mumbled looking for a weapon.

'no real weapon,' Sheila thought, so she pulled the top hand-knitted blanket that went over the duvet that covered her, whoever holding her made sure she was comfortable, the makeshift weapon would be good to strangle a man to death hopeful. 

Sheila held the blanket close to her chest and pretended to be asleep as the door opened, a man in a nice suit, with black hair and one enderkin eye and one normal eye, he's name was Lance, an exile from home.

"Darn! she's still asleep," Lance said disappointed before turning back. 

Sheila jumped lurched forward and wrapped the blanket around his neck and pulled it tight. "Ummm can you please stop? this blanket was knitted by Grandma, I haven't seen her in a while, and it's important to me," 

Sheila looked confused. "huh?" Sheila asked confused. 

"I mean, I've only been trying to help you, now may you please take the blanket away from my neck?" Lance asked. 

Sheila looked down at the blanket and noticed the Gorf pattern. "So your not trying to kill me?" She asked. 

Lance laughed. "I don't want to kill you, I was trying to heal you," he explained. "You've been out a week," 

Sheila let the blanket drop and grabbed Lance by the collar. "WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER!" she yelled. 

Lance hushed her. "A sleep in the other room, I've been taking good care of her, Umm what's her name by the way? I've been calling her Crystal but it would be nice to know her proper name," 

"I...I haven't named her...I've been busy," Sheila said. "Why Crystal?" 

"Well, back in the end, They were these Crystals, the ender Crystals, the most power and beautiful things I had ever seen until I saw your daughter, so I thought what better name?" Lance said. 

"Well I like that, Let's keep it," Sheila said. "Can I see her?" 

Lance smiled. "of course, you can see her, she's your daughter after all," Lance patted his pockets. "just wait here, something tells me you'd already be up if you could so give me a moment, here my Gorf will keep you company while I go get her," 

Lance picked up his pet ender gorf and dropped them on the bed before darting out of the room, Sheila stared at the gorf. " are you?" 

the gorf blankly stared up at her, Sheila sighed. "I'm talking to a backwards frog...what has my life come to?" she asked.

the Gorf let out a croak and hopped up closer to Sheila, then again and onto Sheila's head, and settled down. then Lance smashed his way back into the room rocking baby Crystal. "Aww, Gorf likes you,"

Lance came over and handed Crystal to her, the baby was still asleep, curled up to the plushie gorf. "How has she been?" Sheila asked, coving the baby under the blanket with her. 

"She's been fine, although I do have to ask you something," Lance said, Sheila looked up at him. "Do normal human babies shoot lightning randomly?" 

Sheila stared at him blankly. "What?" 

"The other night, I made her laugh, and she shot a lightning bolt right next to gorf, he was very scared," Lance explained.

"Shit!" Sheila yelled. 

"Oh, this not good? has she got a cold?" Lance asked panicked. 

"No, she's got too much of her dad in her I had hope...." A window smashed, Sheila went quiet, and Lance turned to the door.

"Stay here, I'll go deal with it," He said walking to the door. 

"I can't go anywhere!" Sheila yelled.

On the other side of the castle, two men broke in, one with a reused pillager crossbow, and the second holding a half-broken stone sword, the crossbowman had to help pull the swordsman in through the window. 

"Gods, getting pasted that skeleton thing was hard but we here," the sword man said painting. 

the crossbowman nodded. " it just me...or does this guy not have any lights?" 

suddenly the light comes on, and the two jumped and pointed their weapons at...the gorf, just sitting in the middle of the room, the swordsman laughed. "We were scared of that? come on we need to find the woman and the baby..." the man stopped as he felt something behind him. 

Lance stood over them a dozen arcane swords over his head...and the two screamed again. 

Lance returned to Sheila. "Well good news, I killed the two intruders,"

"I heard the screaming, I was slightly concerned that Crystal laughed at it," Sheila said.

"Human babies," Lance shrugged. "anyway bad news, I found this note on the body, 'two targets, first adult human female, very violent, likely to kill you as much as look at you, second infant child, less than a month old, possible powers unknown," 

"Wait they were after us?" Sheila asked half panicked. 

"The important word is 'were' they won't be going after anyone ever again," Lance said. 

Sheila started to shake. "I...I can't...I'm not in any shape to protect me, let alone Crystal," 

Lance put a hand on Sheila. "Hey, hey, don't worry, you're here under my protection, I won't let them hurt you, now why don't you explain to me, what is going on?" 

Sheila took a deep breath and explained, Herobrine, the attack, the birth and Lance sat and listened, and after she finished Lance stopped to think. "Well, you can stay here as long as you need, it'll take more than some fallen god to beat me!" Lance said confidently.

Sheila blinked twice, she didn't say anything, but in her head. 'I am so going to die,' 

then Crystal started to cry. "aww, Baby is hungry, may I feed?" Lance asked. 

"Sure," Sheila said handing him, Crystal, back.

"Thanks!" Lance said rushing out of the room. "AND DON'T WORRY! THE MAN DRAGON IS BACK ON PATROL NO ONE ELSE WILL GET CLOSE!"

Sheila sighed and looked up at the ceiling, everything finally catching up to her, and she started to cry...


"There never came back...we think they died," 

"I told you, two people wouldn't be enough, you need to send them all," 


"But nothing, we'll join the attack this time, remember I'm paying you well for this,"  

"we have a dozen men,"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2023 ⏰

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