Cup and Bottle

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The book is closed by The Seer, and it starts to whisk it away when the corner of the book catches the half-filled cup and knocks it over. You reflexively stand the cup back up, then stop as you notice not a drop spilled out. "The Cup that Never Spills." states the Seer, like you're already supposed to be aware of it. "It goes with the Everfull Bottle of Desire. Very handy. Makes sure you don't spill stuff on my books." You lift up the cup and start to slowly tilt it. When the liquid inside gets to where it should come out, it simply pools like there is a sheet of film over the top of the cup. Almost mischievously, you turn the cup upside down and nothing comes out. After turning it the right way, you set the cup back on the table and take a look at the bottle. Glancing inside, it seems empty save a tiny bit of water at the bottom. Wanting to see something, you start pouring from the bottle and out comes the exact drink you desire most right now. You keep pouring and pouring till the cup is full and the bottle stops the flow. You look at the bottle closer as another old book is slammed on the table. After taking the bottle from you and setting it on the table, and with an annoyed tone, The Seer says "I said they go together but you still had to check. Why does no one believe me?" 

The Seer looks over at the wall for a second as its ears perk up like it hears something that you don't. "Time is shorter than I thought." It opens the book for you. "Read. Read now." And then it is gone. You smile, take a sip from the cup and carefully turn the brittle page. 

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