The Tricky Wererat

Start from the beginning

"Me too." Grania says softly as she rubs her sore neck. "Even if you, ummm, bit me really hard." 

"Sorry sorry about that, but you were almost dead, and I thought giving you a double dose of trait couldn't hurt hurt." They all smile and chuckle at that macabre comment. The still concerned Squeaks looks over Grania still sitting in a pool of her own blood. "How how are you feeling Grania Grania?" 

She takes a moment to think. "Ummm, I'm really tired." She takes a deep breath. "But considering how I felt a few minutes ago, I can't possibly complain about that." That comment makes them all smile. 

"That that is normal after you gain the trait trait." He lets a small sigh of relief. "Just just make sure you get treated when we get back to HQ HQ. Trust trust me, you don't want to be a feral wererat wererat." 

"Good to know." Grania twitches her nose as she looks around at all the blood on the floor. "Holy shit! I bled a lot!" 

"That ya did!" Kadlin exclaims as she walks over to the body of Zedekiah. Looking at it with loathing, she scowls and kicks him in the side hard, twice. She kneels down and gives the punch dagger a quick twist before she removes it. She wipes it on his shirt and looks it over before offering it to Grania. "Where did ya get this handy little thing honey?" 

Squeaks smirks as Grania takes it from Kadlin and absorbs it. "Squeaks gave it to me at HQ before we left. He told me to, umm, always carry a weapon and man was he was right!" 

With a smile, Kadlin shakes her head in disbelief. "Ya are our miracle worker honey! I might just have ta take you with me on every mission." She looks around and grabs Zedekiah sword. After wiping it on Zedekiah's shirt as well, she offers it to Grania. "Here honey. Ya goin ta need this." 

She takes it hesitantly as it still has some of her blood on it. "Not sure I want to use the weapon that almost, ummm, killed me." She looks back and forth between Kadlin and Squeaks. "What do you mean I'm going to, ummmm, need it?" 

Kadlin's expression turns real, and she lets out a small, sad breath. "We got ta get out of here an there's a lot of guards. Ya need somethin bigger than tha dagger. Just be careful with that sword around me cause it's made to kill demons an undead." 

Grania lowers her head and starts to tear up. "We're still going to die in here, aren't we?" Kadlin rubs her shoulder gently and Grania sighs feeling the helplessness inside Kadlin. Grania looks over at her precious wererat and sighs. "Squeaks, ummm, thanks for saving my life and all, but I want you to get out of here. Escape, get back to HQ and try to send help. Please. I don't want you do die." 

"No no!" His ears perk up at the sound of very distant footsteps. His hand drips a vibrant red drop of blood from his self-imposed wound. "I I will not leave my friends to die die!" 

"That's very noble of ya honey, but Grania is right." Kadlin looks over her wounds as she carefully bends over and picks up her axe. "Go an get help. Hopefully we will stay alive long enough for it ta matter." 

Squeaks walks over and helps Grania to her feet. "Never never!" His powerful gaze looks to the injured demon. "How how much energy do you have left Kadlin Kadlin?" 

She looks down and sighs. "Not much. I might have enough ta take down fifty or so." 

Squeaks hears the footsteps get closer. "That that should be enough enough. I I will take point point. You you two stay together and protect each other other. We we will make it out of here together, I promise promise!" He walks over to the door and waits. 

Kadlin and Grania look at each other with a lot of disbelief then back to Squeaks. Kadlin asks "What ya talkin about honey? There must be five hundred, maybe a thousand guards out there!" 

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