chapter seven:i missed you

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Donna pov:

I woke up to the sound of an alarm clock going off something I'd never usually wake up too I stubbed out of bed and got ready, I just brushed my hair and put it into a ponytail and then got dressed and headed downstairs I saw aunt Kate cooking and uncle Fred reading a news paper.
I sat down at the table beside Liam who was patiently waiting for his food to be done he tapped his finger on the edge of the table and bounced his leg up and down as Kate had walked over and sat a plate of pancakes down in front of him. "Good morning Donna, are you ready to go back to school?" I nodded as she sat a plate down in front of me too. Our uncle walked over to the table and sat down and Kate handed him a plate and sat down beside him and we all began eating. After we were done they made Liam brush his teeth, which is something I was already doing before they said anything, after we were done we got in the car and they drove us to school we still went to the same school but it was a bit far from our new home so they decided to drive us.
I walked into my school and headed to my locker and then off to class my eyes lit up when I saw Gwen laying her head down a desk looking very sad, I walked over and sat by her she instantly lifted her head up and smiled at me. "Donna! Oh my god I missed you so much. Are you doing okay?" She asked with a bright look on her face,
"Yes I'm good, and I missed you too." I told her as smiled at her and got out some papers and the teacher began talking and welcoming me back and so did other students and at random times Gwen would seem to have reached for my hand or something I wasn't quite sure what she was doing though so I would just slightly move my hand in confusion causing her to stop for a while.
After class I walked with Gwen to my locker and she just went on about how her and Finney both missed me so much and that she was happy to see that I was okay. I was happy honestly that at least someone cared about me that much, it was sweet, she's so adorable, I let my mind drift off as Finney approached us. "Hey! Donna you're back! How are you?" He asked standing towards the side of Gwen smiling at me. "Oh I'm good, doing better, you know?" I smiled at him as he nodded and Gwen's smile slightly faded as she headed to her locker and Finney doing the same.
After school Gwen approached me before I got into the car, "Hey! Donna! Wait.. uh I was wondering if I could stay the night at your house maybe we should skip school? I mean with what just happened I do think you need a little break you know?" I nodded and turned to my car, "let me ask my uncle first," I walked over to the car and Gwen followed "Hey, uncle Fred? Can a friend stay the night tonight? And can I skip school I don't feel like going straight back again is the best for me today felt weird..." I continued to explain and he just nodded and Gwen ran off to quickly tell Finney, I'm assuming about the fact she was staying and Finney waved bye to her as she turned and rushed into the car and I did the same and then we drove off to pick up Liam.

Gwen pov:

"So you got a new house and stuff I heard?" I asked her she turned to me instantly, "Oh yeah, stuff was going on with my mom, you know, so my aunt and uncle took me and my brother in."
She quickly explained to me I nodded and looked down to the floor of the car and then back up to her, she just happened to still be looking at me a gave her a slight smile and went to looking back at the floor as she looked out the window. I really do think that going right back to school clearly wasn't the best thing, she seemed so quiet and tired today, was she really okay? I'm sure she is I'm just worrying too much. I mean usually I would say it's weird to care this much about someone I had just meant but, she was my friend and my only friend at that, so of course I was going to care about her. Finally we made it to her brothers school and he rushed to the car and sat by Donna, I sat by the right window and Liam was on the left and Donna was in the middle.
"Hi Liam, how was school today?" Donna asked him with a smile and he smiled back and replied with, "It was good I made a few friends actually!" Donna giggled and looked towards me I looked back to the window, the drive surprisingly wasn't very long they must have lived close. When we got into the house the phone instantly began ringing and Liam looked around before saying, "Wheres aunt Kate?" "She's at work." Their uncle replied to the boy and went to sit on the couch. Donna rushed over to the phone as quickly as she could and I looked around the house a bit while she did so.

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