chapter three:homelife

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Donna pov:

I woke up to screaming and shouting from downstairs and then I ran down as fast as I could and I saw my mom yelling at my brother, and I backed away hoping she wouldn't see me, "YOU STUPID STUPID IDIOTIC BOY, I WISH YOU WOULD JUST LEAVE LIKE YOUR DAD I HATE YOU YOU STUPID BOY! WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LISTEN! GET YOUR ASS OVER THERE NOW!" She shouted loudly slapping him across the face leaving a red mark I slowly backed up the stairs as he went into the corner and she picked up a belt and started hitting him with him anywhere and everywhere she could and just cried and screamed loud enough I'm sure our neighbors heard, my eyes widen and a angry look grew on my face, he slowly fell into the corner not even being able to stand up anymore and she grabbed his wrists as hard as could and dragged him and pulled him to the ground before slapping him in the face he yelled out and his face was red and stained with tears I gasped at the sight and she pulled him and threw him roughly onto the couch and then went into the kitchen, I looked at him and he looked at me and I felt a tear roll down my cheek I peeked into the kitchen to see mom making her some food and ran out so she didn't see me and then I picked up my brother and and left the house, this always happened and I would take him out of the house for a while and to his favorite tree, I sat him down and sat by him while hugging him, I hate my mom she's such a bitch.

Gwen pov:

I walked into the house very scared because I knew what was gonna happen. "Gwen, I told you not to be out for that long." Dad said walking into the room with a belt in hand. "I'm sorry daddy I didn't reali-" he cut me off by hitting me with the belt and I closed my eyes and felt a tear roll down my cheek, he just yelled nonsense and continued hitting me until I couldn't move I lied on the kitchen floor crying as he went and sat down like nothing even happened I heard the front door open and I got up to see who it was, it was Finney I sighed out and hugged him still crying he looked over to dad and gave him a angry look before walking with me to our room I sat down beside him and cried as I rested my head down on his shoulder and sobbed he gently wrapped his arm around me and we stayed like that until I had calmed down and fell asleep on the floor.

Donna pov:

We headed back home and I went up to my room and my brother went to his. I lied down and thought about what happened today, I couldn't wait to be back in school and for the weekend to end, I hated my house so much, my mom was such a bitch I hated her, and I love my brother but he is pretty mean at times, I still loved him, he was all I really had so of course I loved him.
Eventually I fell asleep due to how tired I was, I was really hoping that tomorrow was better and nothing like this happened again, even though I knew it would I just hoped it didn't happen tomorrow, but give it a few days and trust me this will happen again, this always happens, I hate it.

-the next day-

Gwen pov:

I sat in the living room with Finney and watched tv while eating and dad sat on his chair and continued drinking and whatever else. "Hey wanna go to that one park?" I asked Finney in a quiet almost whisper type of voice "If dad lets us then yeah." Finney said while getting up to go ask him, "Hey dad can we go to the park?" Finney asked and dad just nodded and we left, once we got to the park I went to go play on the slides and Finney sat on the swings as usual I eventually got bored and sat by him on the swing. "Hey, Finney?" "Yeah what's up?" He asked looking up at me with a curious look on his face, "You know Donna right?" I said to him while giving a small nod, he nodded back and I continued with, "Well the reason all that happened yesterday was because I went to her house yesterday and we watched a movie called 'Carrie' and it was like a horror film, she doesn't seem like the type to like that, but it's cute that she does and while we watched it I couldn't help but reali-" suddenly I was cut off by Robin shouting out from nowhere "Hey! Finn, what's up? Oh hi Gwen." He said giving Finney a hug and I gave him a tight smile and got up and Robin and Finney both looked confused and Robin just sat down where I was and I ran back over to the slide, I sat in the tube slide for a while and thought about everything.
I really shouldn't feel the way I do, I should like boys, right? I mean what would dad say what would Finney say, what would Donna say? Everyone already hates me for it, and these feelings I've had them since I was like nine, and I know that's like young and apparently 'not normal' for kids to know what they like but that's stupid just stupid, why is everyone so okay with boys liking girls and girls liking boys but not the other way around it just doesn't make sense to me, and it never will.

Donna pov:

I walked to the park with my brother after we both woke up, mom was at work so I took him to the park like I did every time she left, I did it to take his and my mind off of everything. When we got there he ran over the the monkey bars and I sat down on a picnic table and read as I usually did. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a girl run up to the slide I turned my head and saw Gwen run into the tube slide, they're here too? I've never seen them here before, well I think I've seen them once before I actually knew them and before I switched schools and everything. I had noticed Gwen hadn't came out of the slide and it had been a few minutes so I decided to put my book back into my bag and go up there to check on her. "Gwen?" I must've caught her by surprise because she jumped and almost fell down the slide and I grabbed her arm so she didn't fall.
"Hey, you okay? I saw you come up here you looked pretty upset?" I asked her giving her a sympathetic look, "O-oh yeah I'm fine." she answered and then turned away from me, I heard someone behind me and turned around to see Finney I stood up to face him. "Hey Finney um is Gwen okay?" He completely ignored me and started talking to Gwen, "I'm sorry Gwen you can continue with what you were telling me Robins gone now I would've came up here but Robin was-" "Its fine I'm ready to go." She said getting up before she left she gave me a sweet and death glare at the same time I felt my eyes widen and my lips slightly parted I turned to my brother and we began walking back home.

Damn idk

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