chapter two:weekend

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Gwen pov:

I woke up and got ready for the day I decided to leave my hair down and put on a casual outfit and headed downstairs I saw my dad just sitting there watching tv as usual. "Daddy? Can I go on a walk?" I asked and he just nodded I rushed outside and closed the door and began walking, when Finney wasn't there I hated being home so I would always stay in my room, or ask to go on a walk or anything that gave me an excuse to leave that horrid place. I walked down the park and sat on a bench a little far from the park, this place was pretty much abandoned no one came here anymore and everything was super old and rusted. I saw some girl sitting at a picnic table she was reading something, but she was to far to see who she was or anything really. She seemed to look up at me and waved, I squinted my eyes at the girl as she slowly lowered her hand, I looked a little harder before realizing, it was Donna I waved back and walked over to her.

Donna pov:

She didn't wave back and I was very confused, did she not recognize me or something? I lowered my hand slowly as she began to wave back and get up, she walked towards me and sat down beside me. "Hi Donna! Whatcha reading?" She asked pointing down to my book, "Oh right it's called, Carrie, they also have a movie of it I think, it's one of my favorites." I explained smiling at her, "That's cool, maybe we could watch it together some time?" she suggested while giving a soft smile I nodded and went back to my book and she leaned over and read a little, "Geez graphic! Hm I don't know if my dad would let me watch something like that." she giggled as she read more. I just smiled and continued reading, I put my bookmark back and closed the book and turned to her, "Your dad doesn't let you watch movies like that?" I questioned looking up at her, "No." she sighed out, "Oh well it's not actually that bad really, it just has like some blood and stuff, but your dad wouldn't have to know?" I said while giggling and she stared at me and swallowed we locked eyes for an uncomfortable amount of time before Gwen had finally said something, "So uh you wanna like hangout or something for a little?" She asked me breaking the silence and our eye contact "Oh sure, we can go to my house if you want?" I said to her while putting my book back into my bag "Yeah but I'd have to ask my dad first." We both got up and began walking to her house once we were there she opened the door, "Wait here." she said to me and then went in I sat on the porch and waited for a little bit and then she came back out and I stood up, "We can go to your house." she said to me and we began walking. Once we were at my house I walked in, my mom wasn't home because she was at work and my brother was at his friends house so I went and sat down on the couch and she did the same.

Gwen pov:

I sat down on the couch with her and she looked over to me "Do you wanna watch something?" she asked picking up the remote I nodded and she turned on the tv "What do you wanna watch?" She asked turning to me again "Hm we can watch that one movie you talked about, I guess?" She putted it on and we sat and watched throughout the whole movie I was shocked, there was a lot going on and Donna seemed to be really unbothered by it, when the movie was over I turned to her, "Woah that was like a lot of blood!" I exclaimed while laughing a little she smiled back the phone began to ring, "I'll get it." she said getting up I waited for her to come back, "Um Gwen it's your dad, he wants you home." My eyes widened, oh shit I was probably in trouble for being gone for too long, even though I had asked my dad to go and he did say yes, he said to only be gone for about 20-30 minutes, so I was probably in trouble. "Oh uh okay, I'll see you some other time then bye." I said fearfully as I got up and left, I really hoped I wasn't in any trouble.

Donna pov:

As she left she seemed to be scared or something, was she not actually allowed to go? No Gwen would never lie to me, maybe the movie scared her? I don't know it was just strange. I locked the front door and went to the kitchen and made some food since I haven't ate all day, I usually go days without eating because well I don't know, I just don't like eating if I eat too much my mom always yells at me for it and calls me names like 'fat cow' 'stupid pig' 'fat whore' and what not, so I didn't usually eat, I only ate when my mom or other people weren't around so I didn't have to feel that way or listen to people say anything or feel like everyone was judging me, I only made me a sandwich so it wasn't anything to big and I wouldn't gain much weight from it. After eating I decided to get all my chores done, I cleaned up the living room and the kitchen and dining room, the house wasn't really that big of a mess all I had to do was vacuum and pick up some trash, I did the dishes and laundry and cleaned my brothers room which was pretty messy since he never cleaned it himself, and I wasn't allowed in moms room so I just went to the bathroom and wiped down the mirror and cleaned the toilet and shower and vacuumed up the bathroom rug and then headed off to my room to lay down. My room never had to be cleaned because it was always clean no matter what, my bed was always made, my closet was always organized, and my floor was always clean. I lied down on my bed and kicked off my shoes, I would put them in the shoe rack later, I just decided to take a quick nap since I was tired.

Well that's all I'm writing this this chapter sorry it isn't like that long or anything, also I will not be writing abt what happened to Gwen when she got home 😀 but just know, yes she did get in trouble

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