Chapter 2

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Kara liked hiking. But not with her family. It always ends in a big drama. There's always a reason why her dad can't go on. This time his feet hurt after half an hour of walking, so they went back. They went to a restaurant instead and then headed home. Kara was disappointed. And that's how it always ends.

So she was home at 11 am and watched TV for the rest of the day. Actually, she should come home in the late afternoon so there's nothing she had planned for the rest of the day.

In the evening she received a text from Lena, checking if Kara's hands and feet were okay after this surely exhausting day and also asking if she had a good time.

Hey Lena,

no, I didn't get hurt because we were hiking only for 30 minutes and then drove home. So, my day wasn't as good as I hoped it would be but at least I'm ready for your surprise.

Oh wow.. I feel sorry that it didn't go out as you imagined. You can tell me about it on Friday if you like.

Yeah sure. I'll be out of work at 2. I guess you didn't know that, since you never asked :p See you on Friday!

Don't forget to bring something comfortable to wear with you. See you on Friday, Kara!

Lena already was finished with the planning and was looking forward to surprising Kara.


Friday, 1:30 pm Lena was already waiting for Kara. She parked her car in a parking lot at Kara's place of work, was sitting in it, and read a book.

Kara was working at CatCo Worldwide Media as a reporter. That's all Lena knew about Kara's job.

Five minutes before Kara would be there, Lena got out of her car and leaned on it.

When Kara finally came out, Lena immediately opened the trunk of her car and grabbed Kara's bag to put it in there.

„So first I thought you'd be hungry. So, I invite you to dinner for some unhealthy food. Let's go!"

Kara was curious about what they'll do that day and asked Lena the weirdest questions to find out while they were in the car. But she totally failed, and she had to be patient. "You know I won't give away anything, don't you?" Lena said while shaking her head and laughing.

Lena stopped the car in front of a Big Belly Burger branch. That's what Kara needed right now. „Lena, that day already surpassed my expectations!"

„But Kara, that's nothing special yet? " Lena said with a big grin on her face, obviously happy that Kara liked the first part of the day.

"Okay now you make me even more curious," Kara answered pouting.

They sat down at a table next to a large window where they could watch cars driving past.

A waitress came and took their order.

„Do you want to tell me why hiking was a disaster? Only if you want to tell me of course."

„My dad behaved like a little kid but that's what he always does. I mean he is the one who suggested going hiking together and then after half an hour he decides his feet hurt and so we had to go back. But he's „the head of our family" and everybody has to follow him. And so that day was disappointing."

„Oh, I feel sorry for that. I know you were looking forward to it," Lena said visibly feeling sorry for her. Kara told her about some other trips they did together and until their burgers arrived, Kara could laugh about what happened last weekend. Lena is an attentive listener. Conversations were so easy with her.

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