22 • Mommy & Me

Start from the beginning

I walked out of our motel room and headed to the front. There were a few women and men who were just hanging out in the parking lot. 

"Do you have a first aid kit or something for wound care?" I asked the girl.

"Sure, but you have to bring the rest back we only have one."

"Just give me like a wrap or something," I said turning around because I could smell Chepi being out of the room. She was walking up to me. I shook my head and she turned back around. 

I snatched the bandage roll from the girl and turned back to leave and a woman was walking up to Chepi. I moved so fast to step in front of her. 

"Can I help you?" I asked. 

"Is she with you?" The blonde woman asked. 

"She is, so I suggest you all leave her be." I smiled showing my fangs and she backed away. 

"She is pretty."

"I won't warn you again."

"Christy, back off," a man said. 

I looked at him. 

"Now," he said to her. The woman just smiled and backed away from me. "I've told you one day you will run into the wrong one," he said to her as I went into our room. 

"Who was that?" Chepi said while I looked out the window. 

"She would have been nothing to take down," the woman stupidly said. 

"Really? You haven't been alive long as me. That is Nyahmin Moreau."

"And?" A man said. 

"Fontainebleau Moon Pack, Alpha Rain? Ring a bell yet?" They shook their heads no to him. "The Ripper?" They nodded as to knowing who Raina bitch ass was. "Well that my friend is Nyahmia her cousin, who is..well let's just say one hundred times worse than the ripper. Talk about a cold-hearted bitch," he laughed. 

"She can't be that bad," a man said. 

"Pack your bags we are leaving," I said to Chepi.

"But I am hungry?"

"She has no remorse and once killed a group of kids along with their parents in a camp. That's about as heartless as you ca...." he stopped speaking as I opened the door. 

He gave me a head nod and they moved to make way for me and Chepi to go to the truck I had stolen. I should look into getting a car now that I have Chepi around.

"Where are we going?" Chepi asked as I drove off.

"To the states."

"Oh, that's fun." She laughed. She has no idea what the hell that is. 


Something is wrong with Chepi. So, we get on the plane to get here to California. Everything is fine, the plane starts to take off and she starts screaming and yelling the entire ride. I had to mute her, so she is sitting there screaming with no sound coming out of her mouth at all. 

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