Jacob Black. Ring (#4)

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I write in Russian and use a translator. If you find any errors, please let me know about it.

Т/И - your name (Y/N)
Т/Ф - your last name (Y/L/N)
Y/B/N - your boyfriend's name


Imagine that you were Jacob's ex-girlfriend.


Jake's father, Billy Black, was against your relationship, arguing that you are not suitable for Jacob.

He told you that Jake died when he was attacked by wild animals while walking in the woods. You cried for a few days, and then you came to Black's funeral. Billy clearly showed his displeasure at your coming all through the funeral.

As soon as it was over, you went home, where your parents had to calm you down a few hours later.


Two years later, you started dating a nice guy. Y/B/N was able, if not to heal to the end, then at least to patch up your spiritual wounds, and you sincerely loved him. After a while, he proposed to you, you agreed, and you began to prepare for the wedding.


Your mom left, and you said you'd go straight after her as soon as you finished a couple of things. You were almost ready to go to the place of celebration, but something made you look out the window. You were dumbfounded and for a few seconds just stood and looked at the clearing in front of the house. Unable to believe your eyes, you ran out into the street.

"Jake," the name escapes from your lips before you have time to realize that the guy is standing in front of you alive, alive, damn him, a l i v e.

You lean forward, and Jake catches you in his arms. You close your eyes, burrow into his shoulder, trying not to cry, but the first couple of tears roll down your cheeks and after a few seconds you start crying.

"Well, what are you doing?" hot breath scorches the ear, causing the skin to be covered with goosebumps.

You sniffed sharply, pulling away.

"Your father said you died."

He hesitated.

"Yes, I know..."

"Why did you come?" the first shock passed and you were ready to ask questions.

"I missed you," Black simply replied, and you suddenly got angry.

"So you got bored and decided to visit me just now? On my wedding day? But how can you come and say that you are not alive two years after you were buried?!" you were about to scream.

"I couldn't, Y/N, I'm sorry," Jacob whispered.

"You could at least somehow tell me that you are alive. Your father..."

"My father was against our relationship, if you remember," Black frowned.

Your nose stung, but you held on with the last of your strength.

"Go away," maybe you looked like you were about to cry, but your voice was firm.

"What?" the guy smiled incomprehensibly.

"Go away, Jake," you repeated.

"But I love you..."

"I have a fiance," you smiled at the memory of Y/B/N, "we have a wedding today."

Black frowned.

"I'm asking you to leave," you asked again. Jake lowered his eyes and then looked into your face.

"Okay," the guy pursed his lips, "I ... be happy ..." he asked.

You nodded.

"Can I give you something as a wedding gift?" Black asked. You frowned at first, and then nodded again, interested.

Jacob came closer to you.

"Close your eyes and hold out your hand."

You have fulfilled his request. He put something in your hand, and then quickly left, asking you to count to a hundred and only then open your eyes.

As soon as his footsteps faded in the distance, you opened your eyes and brought your hand to your face, opening your palm. On it lay a ring with the sign of infinity. You examined it and found the inscription "always and forever love" inside.

Your first impulse was to throw the ring away, but something stopped you and you returned to the house, holding it tightly in your fist...

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