Being Edward Cullen's Girlfriend (#2)

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I write in Russian and use a translator. If you find any errors, please let me know about it.

Т/И - your name (Y/N)
Т/Ф - your last name (Y/L/N)


Being Edward's girlfriend:

• You first met when he was hunting in the forest, and you were just walking through this very forest.

• Noticed his black eyes.

"Are you all right?" you asked, because this strange guy looked somehow very, very pale.
"Yes, everything is fine," he assured you, "it's just lenses."

• You met for the second time on the way to school.

• You were finishing the eleventh grade.

• And he, as it turned out, studied in parallel.

• Met his brothers and sisters, and later his parents.

• Started dating.

• You had no idea he was a vampire, although certain thoughts slipped through, but you brushed them away.

• He told you about it himself once.

• At the beginning of his story, you was scared, but then you thought about it and decided to listen to the end.

• It turned out that he fell head over heels in love with you.

• He thought you'd think he was crazy or just wouldn't believe it.

• But you didn't.

• You love him madly, however, just like he loves you.

• You adore Alice, although her beloved is sometimes a little annoying.

"Jasper, why?"
"You're sad."
"I don't like the fact that you're trying to fix my mood."

• Made friends with werewolves.

• And Edward was jealous of you for them.

• But you assured him that there was no reason for this.

• Overprotection on his part.

"Are you cold?"
"Why are you lying to me?"
"Yes, I'm not frozen!"

As a result, it wraps you in a blanket.

• "Thanks, I'm a snowman now."

• Categorically against your communication with the pack.

• He is also against your treatment.

• But you still hope to persuade him to do it.

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