Chapter 3: Obsession

Start from the beginning

"Do you have something you would like to say about my apprentice?"

"N-no sir."

"The only thing you need to think about, is your job, or I will splatter you across the hall. Do you understand?!" He was angry, furious even.

"Yes-yes sir."

The fear inside the man replaced all his other feelings. He really thought he was going to die at that moment. The shadow you called Master continued to walk ahead of you. You didn't know where you were going, but the longer it took to get there built up the anxiety within you. It was difficult to remind yourself that there was a man under the mask, and under all the cloth covering him.

Finally you stopped before a large set of doors. When they opened, you realized you were entering the hangar. Your mind had been so clouded, you didn't think about where you were going.

"Can you fly?" Kylo Ren asked you.

"No." You responded quietly behind him.

He once again stopped in his tracks and turned to you. Using the Force, he pushed you to your knees.

"Why don't you try that again."

"No, Master." You spoke, frustrated, and embarrassed.

"We will have to fix that." You looked around. Engineers and pilots were stopped in their duties and staring at the spectacle the Supreme Leader had just made.

"Would anyone like to come speak with me? Or are you all too busy?"

He wasn't really asking, but threatening. Daring someone to continue their prying gaze, or to question his "teachings".

You said a hundred curses in your head, forgetting for a moment that he was probably listening. You didn't care, for just a moment, you were angry with him. You knew these people, and had spent years working with them aboard this ship. They respected you, and to see someone forcing you on your knees, wearing such little clothing, it was degrading, humiliating. In this moment, the Supreme Leader disgusted you and you wanted nothing more than to push aside your fear and take him down a peg.

Upon entering Kylo Ren's personal command shuttle, you felt the fear creeping its way back up. You had no idea where you were headed, and what was going to happen when you got there.

"You will find some bags packed in your room." He informed you.

"Where are we going?" You inquired.

"Wherever I want." He kept his gaze on you, never wavering. He pointed to the hall. "It's that way."

You couldn't imagine what he had decided you needed packed, but you felt a pang in your mind of danger. He was following you through the tight corridors to where you assumed your room was. You didn't dare to turn around when you entered the only room with two bags sitting upon the bed. The door behind you closed, and the presence of the Supreme Leader still lingered.

"Please, don't-"

Kylo Ren grabbed you and spun you to face him. His hands remained on your shoulders. He was squeezing tighter than you felt comfortable, but were too afraid to tell him to stop.

"I felt you earlier, thinking about me." He turned you around, pushing you violently against the door. His gloved hand gripped your jaw and throat. "You have some filthy thoughts in that head of yours. And a dirty mouth." He must've been talking about the curses you swore at your embarrassment. He closed the gap between you, pressing the cold metal of his mask to your cheek. You felt something hard and hungry pressing onto your thigh. You gasped. "Did you enjoy yourself?"

"Master I-"

The longing in your loins returned and you were filled with an unquenchable desire, but you stopped yourself, pushing him back. This was not part of why you were here, you weren't here to fraternize with the Supreme Leader. None of this was part of the plan. You weren't even supposed to have ever met him.

He stepped back, clenching his fists at his sides. He was angry, and frustrated. In a state of rage, he punched the wall to your left causing you to let out a shriek. You dropped to the floor, covering your head. He wouldn't hurt you, right?

"Stop acting so dramatic. Go unpack your things. You are not to leave this room unless I say otherwise." He stormed out, leaving you in a state of shock.

The Supreme Leader could have anyone he wanted right? Why did he choose you? There were several women on the ship, he could have any of them. Was he doing this in an attempt to break you into submitting your secrets to him? Was he that curious about you and who you were? Did he think that by getting inside you physically he could enter your mind more easily?

Those thoughts would plague you for hours while you unpacked your bags and sat staring at the ceiling. There was much you still didn't understand about your role as apprentice, and you were admittedly afraid to ask your Master any questions. Kylo Ren had been the apprentice to Snoke, Darth Vader was the apprentice to the Emperor Palpatine, none of them had been treated in this way, surely. You expected that it was due to your unknown connection to the Force that kept Kylo Ren intrigued.

Like a phantom touch, you felt Kylo Ren's hardness brushing on your leg once more. You thought about it entering you, filling you, and eventually bursting within you. Never had you felt so entranced by someone, and yet so fearful. You couldn't stop thinking about him, no matter how hard you tried. It was still only your first day under his direct leadership, and you had become completely obsessed.

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