Chapter 27

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Its been 6 months since louis and stan decided to hire more employees and they have hired 5 employees and melissa has come on board and has been an amazing help. Everyone went to look for a big property so they can build a housing complex and have found one and have started construction on it, harry has finished recording his album and is at the BBC radio

"and good morning my beautiful listeners we are here with harry styles and of course louis Tomlinson is here as well" roman kemp says

"good morning" harry says

"good morning" louis says

"so how are you both doing" roman says

'really good" louis says

"so we invited harry to come and join us but harrys fans wanted louis to be here as well and louis brought stan liam and niall" roman says

"yeah harry posted he was going to be here today and let me tell you that harrys fans said if I wasn't here then they were not going to listen" louis says laughin

"yeah and liam called your boss and here he is" harry says laughing

"I know we been getting calls all morning" roman says

"your fans love me more than you" louis says

"I think cuz you post all those pictures of harry and are very active with harrys fans" roman says

"its fun for me too and but its become like an advice page cuz let me tell you when I have a question I have parents answer me like when jags got a fever I got a lot of great tips and helping to control it its been so much fun" louis says

"yeah and the sexy pictures of harry are a bonus" roman says

"uughgh I hate you all" harry says

"but your fans are loving it" romans ays

"yeah yeah yea" harry says laughing

"ok well there is a reason why harry is here today" roman says

"oh really thought was to keep an eye on louis before he wrecks havoc in this city" harry says laughing

"what" louis says

"harry why are you here today" roman says laughing

"well I am here to drop my new single" harry says

"finally we been waiting too long" roman says

"yeah I know had to take some time off after the hot mess from 6 months ago I need to keep an eye on louis" harry says

"really are you ok louis" roman asks

"yeah I am fine I promise just everything I was feeling overwhelmed and stepped back from everything for a few weeks and harry was there for me and I took time off to just reset and feel better" louis says

"I know and I see you much happier" roman says "so louis how did it feel to be able to tell your biological family what you told them"

"felt good I guess I was holding a grudge against them and when I said what I had to say I felt relief but I promise I am in a much better place" louis says

"well we are all happy that your in a better place" roman says

"thank you I do appreciate it and trust me I read all the messages that everyone was writing on my social media even on harrys pages" louis says

" well that was the one question everyone was asking" roman says

"I appreciate the support and like I say all the time harry and I want to be transparent with everyone that supports us I know harry and I don't post a lot of things because we still want to keep some form of normalcy but what we share is what we are comfortable with" louis says

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