Chapter 25

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"we talked to louis and we want to talk to the media about everything we just want to take a few days and then we are going to make a plan we want to tell our truth together and not have people make up stories about our reunion" kevin says

"and what about you girls how does it feel to have an older brother and not only that but have harry styles as a brother in law" the reporter says

"louis is amazing and we want to plan a sibling trip I mean harry offered to send us on vacation so we can all get to know each other" Rebecca says

"we are all so happy right now and cant wait to make memories with all of them we have to much time lost that we want to start making memories" stephanie says

"I am so happy that we have our brother back after all these years of our parents telling us about him I cant believe the day is finally here" melony says "and we all cant wait to meet our nephew from the pictures louis and harry showed us he is a beautiful little boy"

"from pictures that we have seen online he looks just like harry styles" the reporter says

"he does so much and louis told us that he is just like his dad" melony says with a wide smile

"wow did you all take a family picture" a reporter says

"i didnt even think about it since it was such an emotional meeting it just skipped our mind" lisa says as kevin hugs her tight

"we also dont want to push too much since this meeting was new and a start but once things settle down we can talk about releasing a family picture" kevin says as they sees louis harry paul and peter walk out of the building

"louis louis" a reporter yells out

"harry harry " another one yells out

"can you tell us how do you feel about the reunion today" another report says

"well let me tell you that everything that those people told you all was a complete lie" louis says

"wait what" a reporter says

"KEVIN" louis yells out as louis smiles and waves at him "told you no to fuck with me"

"Can you tell us the truth" another reporter says

"niall harrys publicisit is sending you all video recordings of the meeting" louis says "in short they abandoned me as a baby and never cared about me the only reason they want me in their lives is for money as you all will see in the video but i never want to see them again so thank you all for staying and please keep them busy until the police come for them all"

"louis so everything they said to us was a lie" another reporter asks

"yes i saw the interview upstairs and everything was a lie i never want to see them everything int he video will say the truth how can they call themselves parents and not be there for me when i had nothing but want to be in my life when i have earned what i have ohh no that is now how life works so have a nice life" louis says as everyone walks out of the building as they leave and go back to harrys parents house


Its now Friday and louis hasn't heard anything from the bio family and they have tried to talk to the media but have been turned down since the video was released and louis was still going to do the interview at the radio station

"princess" harry says as he knocks at the bathroom door

"yeah" louis says as he starts to cry

"are you ok" harry says concerned as louis opens the door and harry hugs louis tight "what is wrong"

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