42: womb to grave

Depuis le début

Paris smiled up at her, but it wasn't a happy smile, it was an evil smile. "Oh I think you know," She told Rory, still walking through the school.

"What? Was it setting you up with Tristan? I'm sorry, I thought I was being nice."

Paris scoffed, "Sure you did."

"Tell me what I did," Rory asked but Paris ignored her and kept walking. "Paris!"

"Think about it at PJ Harvey."

"Oh my god," Cassie groaned, "She isn't even going to PJ Harvey."

"Tristan said you are."

"He lied."

Paris held her hand up, stopping Rory. "Look I'm over Tristan, so don't back out on my account."

"Doesn't seem like you're over him," Cassie observed, earning herself a glare from Paris. Cassie held her hands up in surrender, she didn't need to get added to Paris' hate list.

"There's nothing to back out of," Rory tried to tell her.

"I don't have time for things like concerts anyway. I'm already lining up my extracurriculars for next year. By the way, are you still going out for the school paper?"

Rory sighed, "you know I am."

"I am too," Cassie smiled, even though she wasn't really involved in this conversation.

"You'll need a faculty recommendation," Paris told her.

"I think I can swing it," Rory responded.

"And the support of the student editor," Paris added.

"I'm not worried."

Paris smiled at her, "Worry. I just got the job."

"Oh... congratulations."

"Thank you. And don't worry, I'll have some role for you, Rory. How's covering the new parking lot landscaping?"


"It's a shame you won't get an official job like Cassie did," Paris told them and the twins shared a confused look. "You wanted the sports journalism spot, didn't you?"

Cassie hesitated, looking from her annoyed sister to an amused Paris. "Yeah, I did."

"Well it looks like you got it. Now what to do with Rory," Paris hummed, pretending to think, "Too bad I already filled the spot for music coverage. Record reviewing and such. You would've been perfect. I gave the job to Louise."

Rory scoffed, "Louise owns two CDs."

"Yeah," Paris shrugged. "Well gotta go," she told them then walked away. The twins watched as she moved over to the stairs, she stopped, turning around to look down at them. Louise and Madeline standing on either side of her. "Have a really good summer," Paris told them, then the three of them headed up the stairs.

Rory looked over at Cassie who was watching the girls in awe. Rory laughed causing Cassie to turn her head. "You have to admit they were really coordinated," Cassie laughed.

"Yeah, yeah," Rory shook her head and the twins turned around, going down the hall. "Do you think Paris realized we're going to see her in English tomorrow?"

"Don't ruin their badass moment," Cassie told her, holding her hand up.

"My bad," Rory looked over at her, seeing the smile Cassie had on her face. "So congrats."

"On what?" Cassie asked, even though she knew exactly what Rory was talking about.

"You got the job you wanted," Rory told her, giving her a genuine smile.

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