Start from the beginning

I turned around with my bag on my arm. I was ready to go and she was sounding dumber and dumber by the minute. "So you're gonna let her put dirt in her mouth because she needs to learn it isn't good for her? I'm sorry but that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard."

She looked at me in shock. "What is your problem?!"

"No what's your problem!" I yelled back. "I've been helping you raise her every since she needed to be picked up from the hospital and I tell her to stop putting dirt in her mouth and you tell me to stop because she has to LEARN?!"

"She's a baby!" She yelled. "She's gonna put stuff in her mouth! It happens!"

"It's not about that! It's about the fact it can make her sick and you didn't think to stop her! Or even try! She's a baby yes but making it a habit for her to do stuff like that and not correcting her is a problem! She gonna stay putting everything in her mouth!"

"Muga, stop arguing with her." He said. "Just go."

"I'm about to leave. Come on Nene." I said. I watched as she got up and started walking towards me with her hand in her pocket. I was taking her with me because she had a play date today with Kassidy.

"Have fun at your play date Ne!" My mom said waving at her as I grabbed her hand. We started walking out of the backyard and towards my car. Well Dejhari's car that he let me have. It was a small benz that he didn't dry. I liked it but he wants to get rid of it.

"You need to chill out," He said. "You look mad eshit."

I put her in the backseat and started buckling her in. "It's because I am. She acts like she isn't her damn mother. It makes me sick. Nauseous almost."

He laughed. "You all like nauseous."

"It's not funny Dejhari," I said. "She's so damn irresponsible. It annoys the shit outta me."

"Ok but you just making the baby feel that so just relax. Don't even let her make you mad like that." I grabbed some wipes from out of my back window and wiped the dirt off the side of her mouth.

"You got dirt all over your face Nene," I said, she laughed before sticking her tongue out. "Grown self."

"Pretty?" She asked with a smile.

"Yes girl, you look pretty." I said with a laugh.

"Lemme see her." He said, I grabbed the phone from her lap and gave it to her so they could talk. "Yo!"

"Wait let me disconnect you from my airpods." I said disconnecting the phone. He was doing too much yelling in my ear and stuff. I didn't like that at all.

I closed the door and got into the driver side. I put my bag into the passenger seat and leaned back into the seat. "You was eating dirt today?" He asked.

She busted out laughing. "Nasty!"

"Yeah, I know it's nasty. Nasty ass girl."

"You nasty!" She yelled back, I reached in the back.

"Hand me the phone Nene," I said. "Let me see."

"No, I want!" She said holding the phone near her chest, I frowned. She started giggling.

"Ok, you'll get it back." I said, she handed me the phone and I looked at the phone. I started eyeing Dejhari as he sat at his desk staring at the computer. I noticed his hair cut and smirked at myself.

He doesn't even know the things that I'll do to him. He looks so good to me right now I'll ruin him. "Boy, I'll slam my pussy straight on your mouth. Literally."

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