Chapter 21

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Jasmine and I have tails already so we swim pretty fast. I am holding Adam's hand and Jasmine is guiding Tasha.

"Carie?" He says behind me.

"Yeah?" I turn around and face him.

"I don't think I can do this," he says.
"Yes you can," I say. He hesitantly agrees and keeps swimming.

We swim for a few more minutes and we arrive in the kingdom my mom rules.

"Cmon the tail store is this way," I gesture and the crew follows my. We swim in and Vanessa and Chelsy swim out.

"Hello m-lady, nice to see you again," Chelsy said to me.

"Hi Chelsy, my two friends here need tails," I said back. Both of the twins smiled and pulled Adam and Tasha back two the dressing rooms.


Me and Jasmine were just chatting when we heard a loud shout from Vanessa.

"They're all done!" She yelled. She held open the curtain and Tasha slowly swam out. Wow she was gorgeous!

"You look great!" I said. she had a light purple and yellow tail with a matching purple top.

"It's sorta hard to swim in the tail," she said looking at where her feet were.

"Yeah but you'll get used to it," Jasmine said as she swam over, "cmon I'll teach you how to swim,." Jasmine took Tasha outside and helped her move her tail around.

"Carie?" I heard a voice behind me. I turned around and Adam was peeking his head around the curtain covering his body.

"Yeah, cmon let's see how you look!" I said.

"I look ridiculous," he said. I knew he wasn't playing around when I saw that he wasn't smiling.

"You worry too much come out, and if you look bad you look bad, it's no pageant," I said.

"Okay," he said. He swam out and had a army green and black tail. He was a dude so he didn't trace on a shirt. Which was so hot. He had seaweed around his shoulders.

"I look stupid," he said as he swam over.

"You look hot," I whispered in his ear. That made him smile. He grabbed my hand and we met Tasha and Jasmine outside. Tasha was swimming all over the place like a professional.

"I think I got it down C!" She screamed. I turned to Adam held out my hand gesturing him to take it. He put his huge hand in mine and I pushed him up.

"Just move your feet up and down," I said. He did as I said and shot forward. Soon he was soaring through the water.

"Cmon we gotta go," Jasmine said. We started to swim to mom's castle. we swam into the entryway where mom was needing with a bag.

"Hi mom!" I said. She looked up at all of us.

"Wow!" she said as she swam toward us. "Hello Jasmine, Adam, And this must be Tasha,"

"Hi Carie's mom," Tasha said.

"Mom?" She looked over to me. "what do we have to do?" I asked.

"To get that shell back we need the stone of mistakes. This stone can undo anything you desire. We need to swim to the caverns of the sea to get it. It might take a few days, but that is why I had you drink that potion, are you ready?" She explained.

I look to everyone and Adam had a worried face. I consoled him with a Its going to be okay face. He nodded.

"Let's do this!"

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