Chapter 18

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We fell asleep together on the couch. I heard a thump in the room. I woke up to see the sun in my eyes. I looked across the room and Ms.Flasker was sitting in the kitchen eating.

"Well?" She said. I looked down to see that I was still in my bra and shorts. Shit! I picked up my shirt and covered myself. I shook Adam in fright so he would wake up.

He woke up and pushed me away so he could stand up. I saw flames in his eyes.

"Get out!" He shouted. he formed a fire orb in his hand.

"Well that's not a proper way to treat a guest," she said.

"Well that is how I treat mine, GET OUT!" Adam yelled.

"Okay I'll leave, if she will," she pointed to me. I couldn't say anything. I was frozen.

"Never," Adam said. I blushed hella hard.

"Fine, then I'll remove her," Suddenly she chucked a fire hurdle at me. I got wide eyed but I couldn't move for some reason.

"Carie!!!" Adam yelled. He jumped in front of me. The fire ball hit his head.

"ADAM!?!?!" I yelled. I finally got the courage to move. I knelt down beside him.

"I'm okay, just weak," he mumbled. Suddenly my fear turned to anger.

"Ugh! What is wrong with you!?!!?" I ran over to her and tackled her through the wall. We busted through the wall and into the backyard.

"Your a little tough cookie," she said to my burning my face. I winced. Man! I got even angrier. I did the launch thing into the air. I picked her up and threw her down onto the ground. She fell so gracefully. I looked down and saw I was floating on my own cloud. I can fly?

I floated down and she was oozing blood from her head. I-i killed her- I fainted.


My head was blank. Pitch black is all I saw. I-I'm a murderer. I can't believe-myself. I opened my eyes and I was in Adam's infirmary in his basement. He was over me rubbing my head.

I look at him in sorrow. He speaks to me but my pity and sadness shuts outs his words.

"I'm sorry," I start to bawl out and he leaned me up and started to hug and comfort me.

"It's ok," he says trying to make things better. I sit there in his arms making a baby out of myself. I was in pure agony. I'm a murderer.

"I- I can't forgive myself. I didn't mean to-" I stuttered as tears went down my face.

"Carie, I hated my mother. She made fun of you and forced you to leave out of a house that wasn't even hers. I love you way more than I love her. you are most important," she said bringing me closer.

I still couldn't stop thinking about his mom crushed on the ground. I caused that.

"Cmon lets get some sleep, you were unconscious for the whole day," he held out his hand and I grabbed it. Suddenly a sharp pain shit my hand.

"Ouch!" I shouted. I let go of Adam's hand.

"Sorry, I think my hand is still a little hot," he said. This wasn't a good time for sarcasm.

He guided me to him room and I laid on the bed.  He laid behind me and put his arm around me. All I could feel were my eyes getting heavier.


N/A Hey guys I wanted to give you something from each book so I'm sorry this chapter was really short. I love you guys. 😘

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