Chapter 7

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Adam brought me home. Zoey was still at work so we had my house to ourselves. Adam stayed for a while.

"I need to get out of this how do you get out of a magical dress?" I ask Adam.

" I don't use my magical clothes because they all have sparkly flames on them. just change into human clothes or put on another water outfit." he said.

I thought of water skinny jeans and a flannel shirt. I raised my hands up to my head and all the way down to my feet. I looked down and OMG it was the cutest thing ever. Adam got wide eyed.

"What do you think?" I asked.

"You look gorgeous," he said and came over and kissed me. I hopped up and wrapped my legs around him. He picked me up and carried me to my room. I laughed.

"I've been meaning to ask you..." Adam mumbled as he was kissing me as he was laying me down on my bed, "do you like me?"

"Yes, I have for a long time," I spoke the truth. I rubbed his back as he kissed my neck.

"Since when?" He grumbled.

"Seventh grade," I said.

"Even when I-" he started

"Just shut up," I interrupted. I kissed hard in the lips. He pushed back. We fooled around for a while, until we dozed off and fell asleep.


I woke up to an engine starting, I was in Adam's car. I was in the same out fit as yesterday.

"Morning sleeping beauty," he said.

"Are we going to power school?" I asked.

"We are stopping by somewhere first."

"Where?" I asked

"Regular school," he said.

"Why would we go there?"

"To bail you out of school," he says with a huge smile across his face.

"How?" I said confused

"You see! The good thing about being a water goddess is that water is formable, so you can disguise yourself as any person you want, in this case... Zoey Ernwood."

I got scared. I'm going to disguise my self as my old mom? This better work.


We arrived at Perston High. Adam parked about a block away. we hid behind a bush.

"Close your eyes, think of who you want to disguise as, then touch you nose." Adam said to me.

I closed my eyes. Zoey Ernwood. I slowly touched my nose. Suddenly I felt a gush of wind and a mixture of mist blew up my body. it's stopped.

"Did it work?" I asked.

"You tell me?" He held up a mirror made of fire from his hands. I had short blond hair and blue eyes. Oh shit it worked!

We walked to the school. I walked in and went to the font desk.

"Hi I'd like to speak with The Principal," I said

They greeted me back to his office. We walked in and he was on the phone. He talked for a minute and hung up.

"Hi Ms. Ernwood!" he said.

"Hello Mr. W, I've come here to sign Carie out of your program," Shit I sounded like a firikin assistant.

"Why?" He asked

"We... umm... found a location closer to us, and it would make things easier." I said

"Well alright then, we will miss her though," I signed a whole bunch I paper work. When we were done he gave me the official slip. I left.

I walk out to the bush where Adam was waiting for me.

"Okay Adam how do I get out of this disguise?" I say as I walk up to him.

"Do the same as you did before," he said. I gave him the slip and went behind the bush.

I close my eyes again. Carie Waves. I touch my nose. I get up wearing my flannel and jeans. I get up and walk over to Adam. He puts his hands on my hips and kisses my forehead.

"Let's go to P.S."

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