Chapter 16

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We arrive at this random park. Adam helps me out the car. We walk up to the sign that says...

St. Kaders Park
Home of the dark squirrel

"Why did we come so far away to come to a park?" I asked

"My dad thinks we are going to be gone for 7 hours, so we need to be gone for seven hours," he said with a smirk.

"That makes sense," I said.

Adam grabs my hand. I look at him. We walk around for a while. Then I see this woman with dark sunglasses. She was on the bench looking for something. I let go of Adam's hand and walk over there.

"Excuse me miss, would you like some help?" I asked her with Adam right behind me.

"WHERE ARE YOU?" she screamed in my face. I knew she was blind when I saw her up close. Her eyes were crystal white like glass.

"I'm right here," I grabbed her hand and put it in mine. She tapped my body to make sure.

"I can't find my pocket book!" She shouted. I looked on the ground and there was a purple purse underneath the bench. I bent down and picked it up.

"It is this," I handed it to her the purse.She dug through it for a moment.

"Thank you so much," she held out her hand to shake mine. I grabbed her hand. Suddenly her grip got tighter.

"Catrenea!?!?!" She yelled at me.

"Uhhhh, yeah?" How did she know my full name? She pulled me on the bench. Adam walked over and sat down.

"What do they call you now?" She said.

"Carie, uh who exactly are you?" I asked.

"I am your grandmother, Carie," she said.

"Imposible?!?!" Adam blurted out, "Catherine's mother passed away years ago,"

"I'm not that brat's mother," the old woman turned to me, "I'm your fathers mother,"

"Who is he?" I asked

Her eyes widened, "You mean you haven't met him yet!?!" She said with shock.

"No," I said. The woman took out a piece of paper from her purse.

"Does that have a address on it?" she asked. I looked at the paper and it had an address

"Yes," I replied.

"That's where he lives, go visit him when you get the chance," she said.

I took the piece of paper and shoved it in my pocket.

"You have a good day now," she kissed me on the forehead and got up. She used her cane to walk to the taxi station.

"Do you trust her?" Adam asked.

"Yes and no," I said.

"Can we get back to our date that was rudely interrupted," he said.

"Sure," I kissed him on the cheek.


Our date was amazing. He had prepared a picnic in the park. It was so sweet of him. After we finished, we started back to this place. I dug the piece of paper out of my pocket.

8253 West Asket Street

"Wait! I know where this is!" I said. Adam pulled over.

"This is in the neighborhood next to my church!" I shouted, "Can we go?" I asked like I was 3.

"Why not?" Adam replied.


We arrived at this yellowish-greenish, one story house in a colde sack. We pulled up in the driveway and Adam helped me out of the car. We walked up up to the door and rung the bell.

We heard heavy footsteps running down the stairs. Me and Adam looked at each other. I was nervous. I was going to see my dad for the first time.

The door swung open quickly. The man there was tall and quite attractive. He had short brown hair and brown eyes.

"Can I help you kids?" He asked.

"Are you Mr. Waves?" Adam asked for me.

"No I used to be though," his smile turned into a frown, "what are your names?" he asked us.

"I'm Adam," I couldn't say anything. My dad was actually here! He looked at me. I looked at him back.

"Miss? What is your name?" He asked me.

"Dad? Are you my-?" I asked not answering his question.

"Hun I think you have the wrong person, I haven't seen my daughter since she was born," he says.

"Um, I'm Catrenea Waves, daughter of Catherine and-" I stopped not knowing his name.

"Your my-, I'm your-?" He stopped. All I could do was hug him. He hugged me back. I started to cry. I could feel my wet soft tears on my face. I stopped hugging him and looked at his face.

"Sir," Adam said ruining the moment, "we never got your name?" He asked.

"Oh-" dad sobbed, "my name is Lawrence, call me Larry. Cmon in now," he gestured.

We walked in dad's house. His house was clean but had old furniture. He gestured for us to sit on the couch. Me and Adam sat beside each other. Larry sat down in a recliner.

"How did you find me?" He asked.

"We met your mother in the park, and she gave us your address," I said.

"My mother is blind, how did she get to a park?" he said confused. Adam and I shake our heads.

Me and my dad catch up and we talk for a while. Soon his phone rings. He answers it quickly.

"Hey Jet," he starts. he talks for five minutes and then hangs up.

"Sorry Carie, I have to head to work." he said disappointed.

"That's fine," I say, "we need to be heading home anyway."

I say good bye and Adam starts to take me to his house. Its a quiet ride home.


We get back at Adam's place. He pulls into the driveway and turns the car key off. He stares at me.

"Why are you looking at me?" I ask.

"Because, you're beautiful, and I like looking at pretty women," he says.

I kiss him and he doesn't hesitate to kiss me back. Next thing you know I'm in the driver's seat sitting like a baby in his lap.

That's when I knew something was wrong. There was a sharp pain in my stomach and I started to choke. I felt like I was drowning. Then it stopped. What just happened?

"What's wrong?!?!" Adam asked.


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