part 1

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"Oh fuck!" you grunted, slowly lifting your your left foot from what seemed to be a pile of shit.

"On sandals too?!" you yelled at yourself in both disappointment and anger. You quickly went to the water tap to wash off the excess shit that was still sticking to the bottom of your sandals and washing your feet with clean water and soap before walking back to the chicken coop to retrieve some eggs.

You had a basket full of eggs, whilst walking back to your house you saw that your bestfriend was waving frantically at you in the distance near the road. You quickly walk over to greet your bestfriend that has been with you through thick and thin.

"Hey, how are you? I saw you step on that pile of shit back there." They grinned, wanting to get a reaction out of you.

You rolled your eyes in response. Happy with your response, they walk with you back home.

They looked pretty disgusted of one of your eggs having some chicken poop on it, but you shrugged it off saying that it's normal.

"By the way.. You happen to see the news lately?"

"I mean, what's so important? Nothing usually happens that's worth looking for to me." You replied.

Your bestfriend was about to tell you what was on the news, but upon reaching home the commotion coming from your house seemed to intrigue you more so you left them waiting outside while you investigate.



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