Chapter 18

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"At the moment, this is all we are at liberty to discuss. Morax is recovering and action is being taken against his kidnappers." The TV in the corner of the hospital room spoke as Zhongli slept soundly. Barbados explaining the little he could about the raid.

The Knave had of course turned on the Tsaritsa, having no loyalties to her, giving as much information as they could. They found out Scaramouche had been the one to tell the Tsaritsa about Zhongli and his family as well, bringing everything they could possibly need to bring against the Tsaritsa. Right now, they just needed Zhongli to wake up long enough to place his kidnappers.

Childe was sitting beside him, watching over Zhongli as he slept. Ayato was nearby as well while Thoma was off getting the two something to eat. Neither of them wanted to leave Zhongli in his state. The doctors had stabilized him and were treating infections in his wounds. They were going to keep him there while his vitals returned to normal and they got the infections under control but after that he would be free to leave. Childe didn't care what needed to be done though, Zhongli was safe and back home now.

The door opened as Ayaka and Guizhong entered. Guizhong was holding their twins while Ayaka held little Xiao. Venti and Gorou were holding onto their aunt's legs. 

"PAPA!" Venti wailed, letting go of his Aunt as he ran over to the bed Zhongli was in.

"Ah, Venti," Childe caught him, lifting Venti into his arms. "Your father is still very hurt right now so you've got to be gentle, okay?" Childe told him, petting Venti’s head.

"But I wanna hug him! Why did he leave!? He promised he wouldn't leave!" Venti insisted, not understanding why his father couldn't hold him. All he knew was his father didn't come home from work one day and now he was in the hospital. 

"Little Bird?" Zhongli said weakly, his eyes cracked open.  

"PAPA!" Venti cried, pulling away from Childe as he jumped into the bed with Zhongli. 

Zhongli grunted in pain, but his arms wrapped firmly around his son, refusing to let him go despite it. Ayaka helped Gorou up into the bed as well as he curled up next to his father, joining in with the cuddles. Venti was sobbing, clinging to the hospital robes his father wore. There was no separating the two, Venti was staying put. 

"I'm so glad you're back safe Li. We have all been so worried." Ayaka said as she stood beside her brother's bed. She wanted to hug him, but that would have to wait. 

"I owe my rescue to Childe and Ayato. I wouldn't be here without them." Zhongli admitted, rubbing Venti's back.

"It was purely coincidence that we were both there at the same time." Ayato shrugged, but he was smiling. They all knew, even if the secret stayed between himself, Thoma, Childe, and Barbados. 

"Of course. Coincidence or no, I still owe you both my life." Zhongli smiled softly. 

"Well, I wasn't going to just abandon you when my actions got you kidnapped." Childe frowned. 

"Childe, don't blame yourself for the choices the Tsaritsa made. Even if it was due to a decision you made, her decisions are her own." Zhongli said, glancing over at his partner. "I'm just grateful you found me and that my boys are safe."

"I will always come find you." Childe promised, leaning over, gently kissing Zhongli.

Ayato coughed loudly when Childe didn't pull away immediately. Zhongli chuckled, breaking away from the kiss. "Careful there Harbinger, that's still my little brother." Ayato warned. 

"Ex-Harbinger." Childe reminded him.

"Also, I'm your older brother, Ayato. You always seem to forget that." Zhongli added, shaking his head. 

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