Chapter 1

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The sun warmed the early morning as Zhongli tended to his flowers. Laughter filled the room as his oldest son, three year old Venti, ran around the room with a stuffed wind spirit. His younger brother, a year and a half old Gorou, waddled after him. If he had a tail it would have been wagging so quickly. The music on the counter played softly as Zhongli hummed softly along with it, keeping his youngest baby, little five month Xiao, entertained in his pouch. He was pulling softly on Zhongli's long hair, sucking on a stand of it.

As Zhongli finished setting up the shop, he ushered the boys into the back of the store, turning on the lights. He got them some breakfast, setting them and their cereal in front of the TV with some cartoons. Venti was glued to the TV, shoveling his cereal into his mouth, Gorou had no idea what was going on, but seemed happy regardless. Zhongli made his way back out to the front, bouncing Xiao in his pouch as the door opened, the bell chiming. Kaeya smiled as he entered, Diluc clinging to his brother's hand.

"Hello Kaeya, how are you today?" Zhongli smiled, tidying up some papers near the register.

"I'm okay. Not looking forward to going to work today. I was supposed to take Diluc to the park, but of course there had to be an emergency." Kaeya sighed, shaking his head.

"It happens." Zhongli smiled down at Diluc, waving to him. Diluc waved back at him.

"Thank you again for watching him, Zhongli. I'm so sorry to leave him with you again." Kaeya apologized, placing his hand on his brother's head.

"You know I don't mind Kaeya. I understand how hard it is." Zhongli chuckled, gently rubbing Xiao's back.

"Papa! Papa! Gogo pulled my hair!" Venti came running into the front of the store, his big green eyes full of tears as he collided with his father's leg.

"Little Bird, you know Gorou didn't mean to hurt you." Zhongli said softly, kneeling down in front of Venti, gently kissing his head.

"Pa!" Gorou called as he wobbled after his brother.

"You boys are supposed to stay in the back while I'm working, you know that." Zhongli sighed, lifting both of his boys into his arms.

"Go on Di, I'll be back later to pick you up." Kaeya smiled, ruffling his brother's hair. "I have to get going. If you close before I get back, I'll swing by your apartment to get him." Kaeya said with a wave as he made his way to the door.

Kaeya was stopped before he could leave, the door opening. He was surprised to find himself face to face with a well dressed young man. His orange red hair was parted in an attempt to look neat. Kaeya slipped past him, heading off to his job as the man entered.

"Welcome, feel free to look around at our selection. I just need to take care of something and then I'll be right back." Zhongli said with a smile.

"Take your time, I'm in no rush." The man said with a wave as he walked through the flowers.

Zhongli carried his boys to the back, getting them both and Diluc settled in with a movie and a snack to distract them before moving back to the front. The man had made his way to the counter, waiting patiently to be helped.

"I'm so sorry about that. They know they aren't supposed to be up in the front. How can I help you today?" Zhongli asked with a smile.

"Ah, I'm looking for something to keep my boss from killing me." The man said with a laugh. "So what have you got that can appease her?"

"Well, we have lots of different options. Do you know what kind of flowers she likes?" Zhongli asked as he moved around the counter, leading him onto the floor.

Glaze Lilies (Chili Flower Shop AU)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें