Chapter 10

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Zhongli was settling in for the night, relaxing on the couch with a glass of wine. Xiao was playing in his rocker while Venti and Gorou played in their pen with their toys. Zhongli had felt himself feeling far lonelier since Childe had left a month ago, forcing smiles for his children and his siblings. He had visited Kaeya a few more times before he left the hospital. He hadn't looked after Diluc since then though, with Kaeya still on bed rest.

A knock at the door started Zhongli. He set his glass down as he stood, moving over to the door. He peaked out of the peephole. Surprised to see an old friend standing outside. He knocked again before Zhongli opened the door.

"Barbados, what are you doing here?" Zhongli asked with a frown as Barbados pushed his way in.

"Do you have anything to drink besides your wine?" Barbados asked as he moved to the kitchen.

"There is an unfinished bottle of Snezhnayan Vodka that a friend left here." Zhongli answered, following after. "It's with the wine."

Zhongli waited as Barbados grabbed the bottle, taking a long drink of it before capping the bottle.

"What are you doing here, Barbados? You aren't supposed to know where I live anymore." Zhongli said with a frown.

"Kaeya told me, but that's not important right now. What in Celestia did you do Morax?" Barbados asked, crossing the room to his friend.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Zhongli frowned, confusion writ across his face.

"The Tsaritsa is pissed because apparently you've been meeting with one of her Harbingers! She hasn't realized yet that it's Morax, but Archons, she is searching everywhere for you!" Barbados explained. "She wants blood Morax."

"Ajax and I were just friends. He was a patron at my shop, that's all." Zhongli frowned. "Also, you know you're supposed to call me Zhongli now Barbados, I'm no longer Morax."

"I don't care what I'm supposed to call you Morax!" Barbados shoved a photo into Zhongli's hand. "She is getting desperate to get Tartaglia back, she knows about you both."

Zhongli looked down at the photo in his hands. He recognized it instantly, it was the same one Signora had shown him. A blurry security photo of when Ajax had kissed him. It was difficult to see his face, though anyone who knew him would recognize him.

"What do you expect me to do, Barbados? I have three young boys, it's not like I can go anywhere." Zhongli frowned, glancing over at his boys watching them from the pen.

"I don't know, go move in with your brother or sister in Inazuma City? She knows you're in Liyue City." Barbados pushed.

"I can't just move my boys like that? I've done nothing, I have no idea where he is." Zhongli insisted, shaking his head. "She can't do anything to me without a political uproar. The world may believe Morax is dead, but it's still against the law to touch me and my family or else the full weight of Teyvat will come down on her."

"I told you, she has no idea you are Morax!" Barbados sighed. "Look, I don't care what you do, but you have to do what's best for the boys and get out of here. You can come live with me for all I care, just get out of here." Barbados pushed. He was concerned about his friend. The Tsaritsa was dangerous and it was something they all knew.

"I can't move them, Barbados. Truly, where do you expect me to go so she won't find me? I can't leave Teyvat, whatever city I end up in, she has her people. The only safe place in all of Teyvat is the neutral zone and only the politicians and their families are allowed to live." Zhongli reminded him. "I'm not revealing that I'm still alive because then I'll be forced back into my seat and my boys need me to take care of them."

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