Chapter 7

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Zhongli found himself fretting in front of the mirror as he fixed up his hair and applied a little make up around his eyes. It had been a long time since he had dressed up like this and even though Childe was just a friend, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous. Butterflies he hadn't felt in his stomach since he had met his wife. With a long breath, he capped his eyeliner, setting it back in the container. He once again fussed over his hair, worried it wouldn't look good. A knock at the door startled Zhongli.

"Come in." Zhongli said, turning to the door. It cracked open as Ayaka stuck her head in. Her face lit up when she saw her brother all dressed up.

"Wow, you look amazing!" She grinned, moving over to Zhongli.

"I can't get my hair right." Zhongli admitted. Ayaka chuckled.

"You sound like a love struck teenager. Come here." She smiled, pulling Zhongli down to fix his hair for him. "You're really going all out for him, huh?" Ayaka asked softly.

"He is just a friend." Zhongli hummed. "It feels too soon to let go of her." Zhongli said, gently touching the chain hidden beneath his robes where his wife's ring lay.

"You can take as long as you need to move on, Li. You truly thought she was your soulmate, losing someone like that is crushing. I don't know what I would do if I lost Guizhong." Ayaka said softly, sliding ornamental sticks into his hair. "I know that right now you probably feel incredibly weak, and alone, but you're not. You're one of the strongest people I know, Zhongli." Ayaka said, finally stepping back to admire her handy work. Zhongli smiled, admiring himself in the mirror.

"Thank you Ayaka, it looks amazing. You always did such an amazing job." Zhongli hummed.

"Of course. I have the steadiest hands around." She grinned. "Come on, Guizhong is making the boys dinner. You should spend some time with them before you leave." She said, taking Zhongli's hand and pulling him out of the bathroom.

Venti once again was singing in the kitchen, trying to help his aunt with some cooking as Gorou was babbling about something Zhongli couldn't understand, but he seemed happy. Little Ganyu was strapped to her mother's back, sleeping soundly, calmed by the soft scent of the noodles Guizhong was cooking. Itto was chewing on a teething ring, completely entranced by it. Xiao was in his little swing, sniffling quietly. When he saw Zhongli, his face lit up, grabbing for his papa. Zhongli melted, moving over to Xiao as he scooped his son into his arms. Xiao clung onto his father, refusing to let go. They had never been apart for long and the idea of not having his father scared Xiao as much as it scared Zhongli to be away from his baby son.

"Don't worry, he is in good hands." Ayaka softly promised, placing a hand on Zhongli's hack.

"Papa! Papa pretty!" Venti grinned, running over and hugging Zhongli's leg. Gorou blinked as he looked up, grinning when he saw Zhongli.

"Pa!" Gorou called.

"Hey babies. I just came to see you again while I wait for Childe." Zhongli smiled, kneeling down to hug Venti.

"Papa come right home after?" Venti asked, holding out his pinkie.

"I promise." Zhongli said, linking his pinkie with his son's. Venti giggled, kissing Zhongli's cheek.

"I love you papa!" Venti announced, nuzzling into his father's arms.

"I love you too little bird." Zhongli said softly, kissing his head.

Gorou stood, hobbling over to his papa. He pushed his way into the hug, content now with everyone.

"I love you boys so much. I'll only be gone for a couple hours, I promise. Be good for your aunts, okay?" Zhongli asked them.

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