chapter one

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hi people this chapter will suck bc its almost 2am and I didn't sleep at all yesterday so's whatever tf this is :p


your pov:

I wake up, feeling the wagon come to a stop as it almost slides me but I catch myself just in time as i rub my eyes.

"We're here y/n!", says my father as he gets off the horse and opens the gate part of the wagon to help us out.

I yawn as I get out the wagon and stretch my arms high up into the air. I finish stretching and fix my hair a bit and then help with taking our things out the wagon.

Some people wave to us from afar, them walk up to us and the oldest introduced themselves.

"Hello, you must be the  l/n family, it is so nice to meet you! My name is Alma Madrigal, me and my family are the founders and owners of encanto." says the old lady, also known as Señora Alma.

"Hello Señora Alma, it is very nice to meet you too. We were wondering if we are staying with you, or if you guys have any houses available ?" Says my mother.

"If its alright with you guys, you will be staying at our house while your house is being built. During that time period, my family will introduce themselves and show you around!" Señora Alma states.

"Okay that works with us, thank you!" My mother says happily.

We go with them and my parents make some small talk with the adults while I observe some of the children. Two of them caught my eye, they both looked almost identical other than the fact that their style was COMPLETELY different. For instance, one wore a red ruana with his hair covering half his face, and the other wore a yellow ruana and had his hair not touching near his face. The yellow ruana one looked happy to be there and the other...well he looked kind of depressed I guess. He was slouching a bit while walking, and he looked both irritated and tired.

My mother snapped me out of my thoughts by yelling over to me, "Mija, come here, come! Let me introduce you to Señora Pepa y Señora Julieta!"

I walked over to my mom and walked next to her while she introduced me to them and told me about their gifts. It was pretty interesting but as soon as my mom finished talking, we made it to their home.

I was shocked that the house waved at me with its windows and I stared at the house in awe for a few seconds before someone bumped into me.

"Excuse me? You just bumped into me..?" I said  to the boy with the red ruana as he just rolled their eyes and walked forward, further away and towards the door before the door smacked him as the tiles moved him back towards me.

He rolled his eyes again and mumbled, "Sorry i guess.." and then walked back towards the door which then opened as he walked in and immediately walked upstairs, i guessed he was going to his room.

After a few seconds, we all walked in and Señora Pepa called out from downstairs "CARLOS, COME DOWN HERE SO WE CAN INTRODUCE OURSELVES AND HAVE LUNCH!".

The boy with the red ruana groaned as he walked downstairs with his hands in his pockets, his name was Carlos, I guess that's a nice name.

We all went to their table and before picked a place to sit, a girl tapped on my shoulder.

"Hi i'm Mirabel, what's your name?"  she says, her name was Mirabel. "My name is y/n, wanna sit together?" I say and she nods and we both sit down. That guy, Carlos, was sitting on the left side of me and Mirabel on the right. He saw who he was sitting beside and groaned and rolled his eyes thinking i wouldn't notice and then looked at me as he saw that I was already looking at him, a bit offended. "Sorry..." he mumbles. "It's alright." I say.

We finish eating and everyone already introduced themselves and told us their gifts, Mirabel told us how her gift is to be the next candle holder just like her abuela.

They  also suggest that Camilo can morph his room into 3 different ones for me and my 2 older siblings, while the other 2 rooms for my brother Elijah and my parents to have, in Carlos's room, and my youngest brother could stay with Antonio, who is Camilo and Carlos's younger brother.

We all agree and then Camilo shows me and my 2 older siblings around the house and then shows us our rooms he made. Everyone else was being shown around by the person they were staying with but since Carlos refused to show anyone around, Señora Julieta and Señora Pepa showed my parents and my younger brothers around.


hope you enjoyed this chapter that absolutely strained my eyes bcz my laptop is rlly bright and my room is super dark loll- its almost 4am and I have school at 5...whoopsieeeee :0

840 Words.


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