I can hear the wedding bells ringing from a mile away.

All of a sudden while scooter talked to us about how I need to get ready for a tour I started to feel nauseous.

I grabbed a random bucket of trash and puked.

Y/n held my hair back while he soothed my back with his hand, "I'll go get you a water if you'd like" scooter says and I was still vomiting but I heard the door shut softly.

"Baby let it all out" y/n says and I do just that.

When I raise my head he says "give me if you are done" I pass him the bucket and he sets it on the floor behind the desk.

"What was that? Are you sick?" He asks, "I don't know, I felt nauseous but now the feeling is gone, I don't think I'm sick" I say and scooter walks back in passing me the water, "thanks" I say, "no problem, now where were we?" He asks, "you were explaining the date Ariana would start tour" y/n says and I can tell he is happy for me but it also hurts him in a way, "yes so I know how ya'll are clingy with each other and I get how these 8 months that Ariana won't be by your side would effect you Mr. Y/l/n so I made sure to set the date 2 weeks after school ends, so you guys can hang out for 2 weeks Ariana won't be busy but she will have rehearsals which you can attend to and if you would like you can go on tour with Ariana that is the reason I set it for after summer, you are a senior so I believe this is your last school year correct?" He asks y/n.

Y/n's Pov

"Well yeah I am a senior but I uhh still have to go to college, I have a plan I want to be a football player" I say.

"You can start your college year after tour, I can have it arranged" he says, okay why is he so determined on getting me to go on tour with my girlfriend?

I love her I do but fuck I need a break, I feel like everything is always 'Ariana this, Ariana that' like damn, I have a life too.

I get that she is successful but I want to be successful too, I want to get drafted, my grandpa would want me too, speaking of them, I have to see them soon especially my brother.

Little Diego, I really want to see him, he is about 7 years old.

I wonder how big he has grown.

I smile and noticed I haven't responded, I sighed, "can I sleep on it?" He nods.

"You have until June 10th which is the day school ends, you have about 2 months to think, don't overthink it either" he says and I nod gulping.

Ariana would want me to go, "How will you get it arranged though?" I ask, "I was lying you can just start next semester" I get up, I don't wanna fucking start next semester, "that means being behind, I don't want to be behind, I'm never behind in my classes!!" I say.

"He is right he is never behind" Ariana jumps in.

Right she used to be my teacher, "I can go for 2 months than I'm going to Pennsylvania, that is if I even get accepted" I say now worried.

I've been waiting for that letter like crazy, I had changed my address already to Ariana's since it isn't a secret anymore.

"Trust me you will" Ariana reassures me, "how do you know that?" I shoot back, I don't want to attack her but why is she acting like she knows?

"Because I do!!" She retorts, "I'm out of here" I say walking out.

Why the fuck am I mad? Am I sad I can't go? Am I angry at the fact I can't do what I want in life? Yes I am.

School is almost over, time flies.

It soon hit night time and I was over at Megan's house, I had invited Courtney over since Ariana wasn't talking to me.

I've got a bad idea (A.G x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now