Chapter 38: Floof and Scoot against the world

Start from the beginning

"You wish"

"Alright everyone!" I looked past Tim to see Alfred picking up the remote, looking over all of us. "It's time for us to begin the annual dance-a-thon, or as some like to call it, Disco fever" I could barely see Stephanie and Dick share a small look. "We will begin in stages and as we go on, I will tally your points until we have a winner. The first two teams will be Tim and Stephanie, and Duke and Cassandra.

Alfred guided the rest of over to the seats to watch as the two teams talked some smack before the song came on.

As the song began, the two groups got into position,


"Good job!" Dick called as the two teams walked out of the cleared area in the middle of the room. They looked overall happy and satisfied with their dancing abilities, but I could see the worried glances over to the board.

Personally, I believe Dick and I's score is pretty good, so I wasn't too worried. Jason and Damein on the other hand. Well, it wasn't looking too good for them. They'd spent most of the time fighting over who took which role and it really hindered their abilities. I'm not too sure why they were even dancing to begin with. I thought, from what Dick had said, that it was only going to be us, along with Tim, Cass, Duke, and Steph. Maybe it was a late change of heart?

I pushed that to the side as it came for Dick and I's turn. We only had a few more rounds to go so if we could hold strong then all would be fine.

I took a deep breath as I stood up, tapping the back of my fist to Dick's as we walked up to the "stage". He'd insisted we do this every time in order to get 'lucky'.

"We got this. Remember, steady movements, and even if you mess up then act confident. They can't see through the disguise." I smirked, shaking my head slightly. I highly doubted that, especially in the case of these kids but I didn't push. I needed to focus on this right now.

"Right, and you need to make sure you stop trying to send menacing glares to the others, it throws me off every time." Dick chuckled, rolling his eyes.

"My one job is to strike fear into the hearts of my siblings, you can't stop me." We stopped in our place, and I looked over briefly to see Tim and Stephanie stop in their place as well, Tim looking over and sending me a friendly smile.

"Alright, the next song selection will be..." I watched as Alfred scrolled through the options, looking through the various songs.

"How about Rain on me, didn't Stephanie love that one?" I turned quickly to see Bruce entering the room, and a mutual fall of silence seemed to come to the group.

"Ah Master Bruce! I'm glad to see you could join us!" Bruce locked eyes with me and I couldn't help but feel my smile grow. I was glad he took my advice, and now that he was here, hopefully we could start making amends.

I turned to Dick, tapping his shoulder momentarily before turning to walk over to Bruce.

"You made it!" I said with a cheery look, Bruce nodding slightly as he looked over the kids once more.

"Yeah, I would've been here earlier, but I got a bit caught up- but I managed to free myself from other stuff! I'm all here now" he said quickly, as if walking on eggshells.

I shook my head. "All that matters is that you're here, okay? Now come on, let's see what we can do about getting you a place on the board.

The two of us walked over to Alfred, who upon seeing us coming handed the remote to Jason who gained a nasty look on his face as he began to click rapidly.

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