P24, old friend

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From a distance I watch the table, filled with the people I love, not everyone, but a hand full. I'm glad to be back. The traveling was fun, I needed it, it's something I've always wanted to do. Sometimes it was scary alone, but it has made me stronger, changed me to who I am now. I feel more grown up. In New York I was always with Marcus, it wasn't just Daley - it was Marcus and Daley. The trip was something big I did all by myself, well with Sydney of course. I've met amazing people, friends I will cherish for ever.

I am happy to be back tho, happy to get back to work, I've thought about changing things up with work. Educate myself more in perhaps social media or maybe pr. I wanna help more, more than the small things that I do now. Knowing my father wants me to, so he definitely won't stop me, I'm sure he's glad to have me. So maybe it is time for a careers change, I've thought about it.


The voice, the accent so familiar. The way he says my name, it can only be one person. Because I've heard it many times. Turning to face the man. Sneakers, loose black pants, apron and a shirt that's just too tight around his biceps.

I am not surprised to see him here, because I know he works here. It's were we met. But I wanted to bring my family here for the amazing food. I was expecting him here. At least I was hoping that he was working tonight.


His beautiful smile on his face. I remember him, very well. Opening his arms for a hug, I embrace him, hugging me tight like always. Smelling like food, mixed with a tiny bit of sweat, but still nice. Some how.

'Ciao bella. What are you doing here?'
'I am having dinner with the family.'

Looking into their direction, Paulo doesn't know who my family is. Or maybe he does. Because the whole table is looking into our direction. Of course they are. I've talked about them, told him what my father does, but he is not interested in formula one.
He looks into the crowd anyway, his eyes still scanning, he will see who belong to me when I sit down.

'That's nice. The race is this weekend isn't it?'
I nod. 'I could get you tickets.' Knowing his answer.
'No bella, that's ok, give them to someone else. I need to work anyway.'

Sometimes I think he's a fake Italian, not so spicy and heated as some can be. Or maybe that's a side of Paulo I haven't seen yet. He sure does look like an Italian. His brown curls wild and a bit frizzy on top of his head, a thick beard and beautiful green eyes. I've got lost in those a couple too many times.

I definitely don't have a type..  Marcus looked nothing like that. What was I thinking with that man?

Paulo and I had a great time, went to the beach often, explored places together, he showed me some beautiful places and views. For a too short period he traveled with me through Italy, a country I hadn't planned on staying in for two months, but I happened and it did not disappoint.

'Don't over do it, you looked good when you were free.'

That's a lie, he always looks good. He is just a stunning looking Italian that you see in the papers. He has the hight, the looks, he has everything to be a model. He doesn't want to, no fame for him he said. I get that.

Not that I am famous and know what it's like, but I've seen things up close and it already drives my nuts for those people. I couldn't either. His hand lands on my lower back. Sometimes I wonder what he saw in me. Well we were more like a summer fling.

'That was because I was with you. Now don't you worry about me. We could go on another adventure soon?'

Not exactly sure what kind of adventure he means, I'm up for both. Daniel is not for the taken anymore, I must say I've thought about him often on my travels and I was planning on perhaps asking him out, but that's off the table now, sadly. So Paulo is a great option, he isn't just some stranger. There is history and it is good history. We separated well, not that here was an official relationship.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2023 ⏰

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