Chapter Thirty-One: Another Try On The Toilet

Start from the beginning

"You can go upstairs too. You need a bath, missy." I tell Mila as I gently grab her arm to get her out of timeout.

Her big hazel eyes flare, ready to put up an argument. "Nope. No arguments. Was it okay to feed Luna your applesauce?"

She stops to think for a second, her face scrunching up in thought. I give it a second, then groan deeply when she gives a tiny nod. Despite Mila nodding, she knows to not give Luna her snacks. There's a reason why the poor dog is overweight, and I'm looking right at it.

"No, it's not okay to give the dog your snacks. We're going to go upstairs and give you and Luna a bath. No more snacks for the rest of the night, okay?" It sounds harsh telling Mila that she can't have anymore snacks, but dinners right around the corner.

"Wuna baf wif Miwa?" My adorable baby asks, tilting her head to the side. Theo does the same thing. Those two are blonde haired twins.

"It's really not supposed to be fun time," I tell her, knowing that she'll have fun if I let her take a bath with Luna, "Alright. I guess you can. Two birds with one stone."

With that said, Mila yells happily and runs towards the staircase. She climbs them quick, me following right behind her. Luna is laying on the floor when I enter my bedroom room, her head resting on her paws.

"Alright, Luna. Bath time." Her ears lift and she stands, shaking out her fur. I can already hear Mila in the bathroom getting into stuff. Goodness, this child never learns.

Luna and I walk into the bathroom, catching Mila playing with my pads again. It's good that I walked in when I did. She didn't get to open all of them, just one. "Put those back in the box, pea. Remember what I told you about Mommy's stuff?"

"Nu!" She shouts, pointing at the box.

"That's right. We don't get into Mommy's stuff. I'll put them away while you get your undies off." It would take her forever to get them back in and I still have a mess downstairs to clean up before Theo gets home. Plus, I have to bathe the dog and the kid. It's just quicker if I do it.

Mila stands, struggling to get her underwear down over her hips. That's something she still hasn't mastered yet.

"Do it like Mommy showed you, baby. Put your thumbs in the sides and pull down." I advise, only to be ignored.

She would rather use one hand to pull the fabric down over her butt, while using the other to do the same at the front. It's almost comical.

"Miwa dewin it, Mama." She states proudly as she manages to work the material down over her bum. Finally, she gets them off, doing a little happy dance.

"Good job!" I praise, standing up to start the water.

Luna jumps right in before I can adjust the temperature, splashing Mila and I in the process. Golden's love the water, Mommy's not so much.

"Wuna spwash!" The tiny human next to me laughs, pointing at Luna who's trying to eat the water coming out of the faucet.

"She did splash us. Silly Luna." I comment while checking the temperature of the water. It's warm enough to put Mila in.

First things first, "Do you have to use the potty before getting in the bath? We don't want to tee tee in the water." I'm sure she's peed in the bath plenty of times, but if she wants to potty train then we're doing this right.

I know for a fact she has to go since she hasn't gone since I put the undies on her. She has to be holding it.

"Yesth! Gots to gu!" A reminder is definitely what she needed. As soon as I asked, she started shifting her weight from foot to foot, doing the potty dance.

I grab her toilet training seat out of the bathroom closet, placing it down on the floor for her. Mila wastes no time plopping herself down on it. She claps happily when the sound of her relieving herself echos through the small basin.

"Good job! You get a chocolate after your bath!" Except she's paying no attention to me, Mila would rather try and watch herself pee.

She folds herself over and tries to look between her legs. Laughing, I shut off the water in the tub and quickly wipe Mila down once she's finished.

"In ya go." I say as I put her in the bath. Luna is having the time of her life, trying to roll around in the water.

Mila seems to think that's the funniest thing ever. Her head tips back as she lets out a belly laugh, her dimpled cheeks turning red.

"You two together are always trouble." Shaking my head, I get to work scrubbing down the pair. By the time I'm done, I have ten minutes before Theo gets home. Let's hope I can dry off Luna, get Mila in a fresh pair of underwear, and clean up the applesauce mess downstairs.

I'm doubtful I can get all of that done in such a short time frame. Really doubtful.

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