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soph met roger on the mound, embracing him into a huge hug as the cameras hovered over the two.

it was still a mystery as to who the girl was. she hadn't formally been announced as part of the coaching staff yet but almost every social media platform was blowing up wondering who she was.

roger clemens was in from texas to catch a game. he was set to throw out the first pitch to aaron judge.

"how's the family?" he asked soph, very familiar with the girl.

"good. everything alright with yours?" she replied, trying to keep it formal because the twos families did share some tension and uneasiness.

"yeah. life's been well." he smiled, "glad to be back." roger's eyes glimmered as he stared at the fans around yankee stadium.

"well, the spotlights on you again." sophia grinned, setting the ball into his hand, "just don't spike it or let them call you in for a drug test." she winked, taking a jab at the fact he used heavy steroids while in the major leagues.

roger rolled his eyes at the girl. he'd known her since she could walk. her family spent off seasons in texas. they were neighbors. his son had a massive crush on her. and he was somewhat close with her father.

what he found funny about sophia though, was that she was here. he knew she didn't want to be here. she was a smart girl. with her work rate and will she could probably be anything she wanted right now. but she listened to her parents and decided to work for the yankees.

he'd learned from people like his sisters that wildflowers couldn't be tamed, but seeing little sophia all grown up and following somebody else's path definitely went to show anything was possible.

soph walked off the mound and sent a friendly gesture to judge, who was behind home plate to catch the pitch.

aaron was always the guy everyone wanted to catch for them. he wasn't the biggest fan of it, because he mainly had to catch for tiktokers. but for people like mariano rivera and roger clemens? there was definitely an exception there.

"you didn't get short with him, right?" booney already began to look into the ridiculous look roger was giving sophia as she walked off that mound.

"no sir." she lied, "just re-reminded him of the steroid policy." she joked. 

sophia earned a laugh from booney, there was a lot of history there. after, he went out onto the field to get into a photo with roger and aaron.

once the game started, the clemen's family was seated right next to the yankees dugout, and soph just couldn't seem to keep her focus as the numerous young children in roger's family called out to her and begged for gum or a baseball.

eventually, micheal king got annoyed with them too and told them they needed to stop before sophia could even get the chance to.

meanwhile, tyler observed how familiar sophia was with all these dudes. it was like she died young as a yankees player and came back into a 22 year old girls body to be friends with all her buddies again.

speculations were mixed, but the only one who seemed to notice this stuff was him. he seemed to be the only one who had the time to notice it as well with all the time he spent on the bench.

after micheal king ruthlessly shut the clemens family up, tyler went back into game mode. the yanks had already taken a comfortable 3-1 lead in the fifth, retaliating after the rangers scored one trying to fight for the lead back.

he had the day off today, after starting at second base the past 2 games over torres who got moved to shortstop due to injuries. gleyber had to switch off with gio, so now it was basically just him, squid, and dj fighting over second.

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