Truth Hurts

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**Picking up where Vegeta left off**

"And that's why I did what I did" Vegeta said, finally explaining to both you and Goku the plan he created to be alone with you.

"So, the note from Goku was really written by you?" you say in a very angry tone.

"Y-yes" Vegeta said sadly.

"So, this whole time you were lying to me?" you say as tears are welling up in your eyes now.

"Y-Ye..." Vegeta started to say before you cut him off.

"So, all the time we spent together, all the things you did for me this week, and last night...." You paused as your hand went up to touch your lips. Tears ran down your face now, you were so hurt that everything was based on a lie. Vegeta manipulated your feelings, and worst of all he cheated on Bulma with you. You felt like such a horrible person after everything she has done for you.

"Y/N, none of it was fake though, it was all real even our night we spent together"

Goku's eyes grew bigger, and his heart sank to the pit of his stomach. You began to hold yourself again crying. Goku and Vegeta both took steps towards you.

"Look at what I've done to her, I hurt her just like those bastards we took her away from...I'm no better..." Vegeta thought.

"Vegeta kissed her; fuck, I'm guessing he did more than kiss her, that bastard hurt her, dammit... I said I would protect her..." Goku thought.

You stepped back "Please don't come near me either one of you, I really don't want to be touched," you said yelling at them holding yourself.

"Y/N please let me help you" Goku said holding his hands out to you.

You looked at him debating whether to go to him or not, but then Vegeta said: "Please understand"

"No, no, no, no, no! You said you would never hurt me! Both of you! It's just like before!" you said inching towards the door.

Goku was so swept up in his emotions that he forgot the boundary you didn't want crossed. He went towards you and grabbed your arm.

You freaked out and yanked your arm away from him. "Don't touch me!" you ran towards the back door and ripped it open, Goku went after you but as soon as you opened the door, you took off flying at lighting speed.

"YOU ACTUALLY TRAINED HER!" Goku screamed out in fury turning Super Saiyan again. Vegeta turned as well "Now Kakarot listen she badly wanted to train."

"Liar, you manipulated her with that fake note of yours," Goku said balling up his fist.

"I'm going after her," Goku said.

"Good luck, she has tremendous speed, and she knows how to suppress her ki"

Goku wanted to pound into Vegeta so badly right now, but he knew the longer he stayed the further away you were getting. "I'll deal with you later Vegeta" he said very angrily as he took to the skies looking for you.

Just then Bulma entered the kitchen, "How much of that did you hear?" Vegeta asked.

"Enough" she said balling up her fist angry.

She hastily made her way towards Vegeta, "First of all, how dare you take advantage of Y/N, you knew she was vulnerable, and you used that to your advantage. Second..."

Bulma raised her hand and slapped him as hard as she could. "How could you cheat on me? I mean did I really mean nothing at all to you?" she said tears filling her eyes now.

Vegeta x Goku x Reader: Trapped in the MiddleWhere stories live. Discover now